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科目: 來源:czyy 題型:


People celebrate birthdays in almost every country on the earth,and celebrate them in many different ways.

In China and in Japan,for example,the arrival of the New Year is more(A)________ than a person's birthday.So everyone adds a year to their ages on New Year's Day,instead of on their birthdays.

In Brazil,the special birthday(B)________ isn't a birthday cake,bet special candies.In China,it's long noodles(C)為了長壽.In Iceland,people have pancakes with candies rolled inside on birthdays.

In Britain,a birthday is an all-day celebration.At school,the birthday child is lifted up by his classmates.In Israel,the same custom is followed.(D)but the birthday person is lifted and lowered while sitting in a chair

In Holland,children not only get presents,but give things out,too.They give cakes,cookies and candies to their classmates and teachers on their birthdays.

In Mexico,it's good luck to give birthday greetings as early on the day as possible.So it's usual for the birthday child to be woken up at midnight by friends singing birthday songs.

In India,birthday celebrations also begin(E)quite early.Prayers and blessings must be said before morning(F)comes

In Thailand,two tall candles are lighted at night before a birthday.One is as tall as the birthday person.If(G)it goes out early,it's bad luck.Another custom of Thailand is that they buy living fish and birds for the birthday person and then the birthday person flees them,and it brings good luck.

In Nigeria,persons in a certain age group celebrate their birthdays together on a certain day.

In many countries,birthday customs are changing.But one thing never changes--birthdays are special days for every birthday person!



3.將劃線部分D改寫為:but people __________ and __________ the birthday person while the person is sluing in a chair.






科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

29、The rich and the poor

The world is divided into two main parts.The difference is that one part is rich and the other is poor.In the poor part,a lot of people never get enough to eat.In the rich part,a lot of people eat too much.In one part,children starve(餓死)and in the other,a lot of people get fatter and fatter and have to go on diets(節(jié)食),or do special exercises in order to lost weight.

The poor countries have special problems.Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on.The land can be improved,but a lot of things must be done first.The people must be educated and the water must be found.

And the rich countries have problems,too.There are not always pleasant places to live in.Sometimes the air is too dirty to breathe,and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take water from.The roads are too crowded to drive along.Large numbers of people do not have decent(像樣的)houses to live in.Some things will have to be done to solve these problems.The air and the river will have to be cleaned,and more houses will have to be built.

1.What's the difference between the two parts of the world?

2.What must be done first in the poor countries to solve the problems?

3.What are the problems in the rich countries?(Give two examples)

4.Can people solve all these things easily?


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

28、Peter wondered why he didn't have many friends The reason was he was always taking,never giving.

One day Peter told Bill,“I'd like to give a party on Saturday.I'd like you to come and bring Martha,too.”

“Thank you.Peter.We'd be happy to come.”

”Perhaps you'd like to bring your violin.You and Martha sing well together.I'm sure everyone will want you to sing for us.”

That was how Peter began to plan his party.Next he asked another friend,Betty,to bring a cake.“You make the best cakes in the world,Betty,and I prefer to eat your cake than have one from the bakery.”

Peter invited several other friends to come to his party.He did not forget to ask something from each one of them.He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed.

The party was a big success.However,as the guests were leaving they said “thank you” to Bill and Martha for the music,Betty for the cake,the Jacksons for the use of the house and to the others for their hard work.To Peter they said simply,“Thanks for the invitation.”

1.Why did few people like Peter?

2.What did Peter tell Bill one day?

3.Where did Peter want to have the Party?

4.What did Peter do about the party?


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

27、Mr. Robertson was the owner of a large company.One day he went into his office early to get ready to go to the airport and set out for a faraway city.When he was leaving his office.Bill,a night watchman,came in.Bill just came off work.After saying “good morning” to Mr. Robertson,Bill told the owner about his bad dream:last night he dreamed Mr. Robertson’s plane crashed soon after take-off.Hearing this,Mr. Robertson was surprised.He decided to go by land.

Bill's dream came true.That morning the plane really crashed just after it had taken off.Later Mr. Robertson returned to his office and heard the accident.To express his thanks,Mr. Robertson gave Bill 5,000 dollars with a letter.Mr. Robertson told Bill that a man like him should be dismissed(解雇).Bill was surprised and asked,“For what reason?” Mr. Robertson said.“Go home and read the letter,and you’ll know why.”

Bill went home and opened the letter in a hurry.After reading it,he became very sad.In the letter there was only one sentence.But it was enough to tell the reason for his dismissal.Can you guess why?

1.Did the night watchman work hard?

2.How did Mr. Robertson feel when he was told what Bill had dreamed the night before?

3.How did Mr. Robertson go to the faraway city at last?

4.What did Bill know when he opened the letter?

5.What sentence could be in the letter?


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

26、If you do not use your arms or legs for some time,they will become weak.When you start using them(A)_________ they will slowly become(B)_________ again.Memory works in the same way.

(C)When someone says that he has a good memory,he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using(D)it.When someone says that his memory is poor,he really means that he does not give it enough chances to become strong.So if someone says(E)他的胳膊和腿很弱,it is his own mistake.If he says he has a poor memory,it is also his own mistake.

Some people don't read or write but usually they have better memories.This is because they don't read or write and they(F)have to remember things.So their memories are always being exercised.So if you want to have a good memory,(G)practise more.


2.將劃線部分C改寫為:When someone says:“_______ _______ a good memory,”





科目: 來源:czyy 題型:







fruit and vegetables



action movies




do at home

run around

play basketball

do at school

watch TV

do homework




  Lucy’s life has changed a lot in the last few years.She used to eat meat when she was young,

and now...





科目: 來源:czyy 題型:



We often________________   ________________(in) making sentences


His parents didn’t_____________  _____________helping him.


Her new book ____________ last month.


If we did so,we would ____________ more____________ our clothes。


I____________ classical music____________ pop music.







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

21、    One day, two good friends,Peter and Bill,were walking through the desert(沙漠) .They

both felt bored and tired because of the long journey.So they stopped to have a good rest.Later,

they began to quarrel and Peter slapped(打耳光)Bill in the face.But Bill didn’t say anything to

hurt Peter.He just wrote ten words in the sand,“TODAY,MY BEST FRIEND PETER SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE.”

  Soon they went on walking until they found an oasis(綠洲)in the desert. They decided to take a bath in the lake.Bill jumped into the lake fast.Maybe he was too tired to go up.He was dropping under the lake.Just then,Peter quickly jumped into the lake and pulled him out of water.Peter saved Bill’s life! Again Bill wrote ten words on a stone instead:“TODAY MY BEST FRIEND PETER SAVED MY LIFE IN HERE.”

    Peter was surprised to see that and asked,“Why did you write in the sand after I hurt you and wrote on a stone now?”

    Bill smiles,“The words in the sand are easy to miss,but the words on the stone may be there always.”

    Peter finally understood that.Bill just wanted to forget his hurt quickly and remember his

Love for ever.

1.Why did Bill and Peter feel bored and tired?

A.Because of the terrible desert.                 B.Because of their bad hobbies.

C.Because of the long journey.                  D.Because of the bad weather.

2.What did Bill do after Peter slapped him in the face?

A.He wrote ten words in the sand.             B.He got very angry with Peter.

C.He said something to hurt Peter.                D.He wrote ten words 0n the stone.

3.What did Bill do after Peter saved his life?

A.He said many thanks to Peter.                 B.He wrote ten words on the stone.

C.He decided to smile at Peter.                      D.He gave up hating Peter.

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Peter slapped Bill in the face。                  B.Peter saved Bill’s life.

C.Peter finally understood Bill.                  D.Bill didn’t thank Peter at a11.

5.From the passage we can learn___________.

A.Bill always talked too much                     B.Peter Was too tired to go up.

C.Peter understood what Bill did                   D.Peter always hurt Bill on the way.

