()5.A.against B.almost C.apologize D.correctly 查看更多




Never would I forget the other night when I came across an unforgettable sight while watching the Olympics. It was not a gold medal, or a world record broken, but a   36    of determination and courage.

The   37   was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks. Two of them, however, were disqualified(取消資格) due to   38   starts. That left only one to   39   . That would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to race   40   . I watched the man dive off the   41   and knew right away that something was   42   . Now I’m not an expert swimmer but I do know a good dive from a poor one, and this man was far from being a medal winner. When he   43   , it was clear that the man was not out for gold. I listened to the crowd begin to   44    at this poor man that was clearly having a   45   time. Finally he   46   his turn to start back. It was pitiful. He made a few all-out strokes(劃水) and you could   47   he was worn out.

__48___in those few awkward strokes, the crowd had ____49____. No longer were they laughing, but beginning to ____50____. Some ____51___began to stand and yell things like, “Come on, you can do it!” and, “Go for it!” He did. A clear minute slower than the average swimmer, this young man finally finished his   52   . The crowd went    53   . You would have thought that he had won the gold, and he should have. Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history, this man gave more heart than any of the other   54   .

A man that gave his all -- knowing that he had no chance, but competed because of the   55   of the games.

1.A. taste               B. show                    C. sense                          D. member

2.A. program         B. sport                    C. event                          D. accident

3.A. straight                B. false                   C. eager                          D. right

4.A. compete        B. match                  C. win                              D. succeed

5.A. against                     B. for              C. to                      D. with

6.A. banks                       B. blocks                  C. benches                     D. boards

7.A. new                B. funny                   C. wrong                         D. terrible

8.A. recovered     B. resurfaced         C. renewed                    D. returned

9.A. stare               B. point                    C. laugh                           D. glare

10.A. happy                    B. hard                     C. good                           D. long

11.A. miss         B. made                    C. catch                           D. carry

12.A. forget                    B. believe      C. admit                          D. tell

13.A. But                B. So               C. Or                      D. Thus

14.A. moved                   B. left                       C. changed                     D. stopped

15.A. cheer                    B. chat                     C. quarrel              D. debate

16.A. ever                       B. still                       C. even                           D. never

17.A. duty                       B. turn                     C. action                         D. race

18.A. bad               B. wrong                  C. hungry              D. wild

19.A. audience     B. athletes     C. judges               D. experts

20.A. spirit                      B. progress             C. skill                              D. secret




Miss Green was watching TV. Suddenly the program stopped . "Now we broadcast an important notice from the   36  : At about nine this evening , an old woman of 79 ,named Mrs Humney , was 37  and killed by a robber (搶劫犯)wearing a green coat . Those who can supply any clue (線索)are requested to  38   to the police ." The  39  news made the lonely girl filled with  40   .She couldn't help looking around .But she didn't  41  that a man was already behind the door.

    Suddenly the man  _42   before Miss Green . The girl didn't know what to __43  . " Just put your necklace on the table, then I’ll  44  whether I shall be safe to stay here for the night." said the robber. That made her even more terrified , but she tried to  45  herself.

    Just then there came the whistle of a police car .Then  46   the door bell. The man said with a pistol(手槍) 47  the girl's back, " Don't  48  the door. Never let him in." But the girl got a(n)  49  . She asked the man outside the door , " Who is it ?" "I'm Bull. Is there  50  unusual here ?" "No, there isn't ." Immediately she added  51   ," only 52   and I are here." "Good night, " Bull replied in the same loud voice.

    A few minutes later. The sound of the  53  died away. " It's well done, " the robber laughed. Almost at the same time the glass was  54  into pieces . The policemen  55  into the room and caught the robber.

    "Miss Green , what you said made us take action right away, " said Bull, " for we know that you have no brother."

36. A. police      B. government           C. army                     D. prison

A. hit               B. stolen                      C. robbed                    D. cheated

A .announce            B. know                    C. provide                 D. report

. A .terrible            B exciting                  C. strange                 D. funny

A. anger            B. fear                         C surprise                   D. sadness

A .feel               B. look                       C .hear                     D. notice

A. came                B .appeared                 C .walked                  D. ran

. A. say               B .make                      C. do                           D. deal

A. decide            B .consider                 C .hope                  D. doubt

A .protect            B .scare                        C. free                    D. calm

A .touched            B. hit                          C .rang                     D. struck

A .against            B .in                          C .to                     D .over

A .knock            B. shut                      C .lean                      D. open

A .belief               B. idea                         C .help                  D .voice

A. anything           B. something              C. anyone                  D. someone

. A .excited              B. anxiously             C .loudly                 D .bravely

. A .my friend        B. my neighbour            C .the robber          D. my brother

A. policeman       B. police car              C .robber                    D. footsteps

A .turned               B .brought                   C .broken                D. changed

A. slipped             B .went                       C .fell                         D. hurried


Today I felt very uncomfortable studying English as usual.My eyes were   36   and my mind was confused.I buried my head deep in the great pile of books.Many vocabulary words   37   my mind.As more and more entered,I   38   focus,and my   39   became crazy.The clock hands were pointing at twelve. I always   40   the time when I study.Without any fruitful results,I felt more   41   and tired.I   42   up and walked to the living room just to take a little break.  43   that would make me feel better.The street lamps looked like stars outside the window.A few scattered(分散的)branches   44   shadows on the French window.Something seemed more   45   and quiet than before.I walked to the   46   slowly,and let my face press against it,  47   very carefully…oh my God!!…It’s snow! It was very bright and covered up the whole   48   while I was studying English painfully, so white and so quiet.At this moment, I was so   49   that I felt like I might burst into tears.The snow was like a spring   50   into my heart,and my eyes were shining with it.All my pain and tiredness   51   at this moment,as the snow dropped into my heart.

I quickly became calm again as the excitement went away.I sat on the bed silently,and drew the   52   to one side to let the white house and white tree stay just beside my bed.I thought this must be a(n)   53   from God,because I liked snow so much.  54   I was weakest and most helpless in this world,nothing could inspire me but   55  .I should inspire myself from such a beautiful scene.

1.A. closed

B. tired

C. shining

D. weeping

2.A. left

B. confused

C. filled

D. impressed

3.A. lost

B. got

C. realized

D. changed

4.A. thoughts

B. feeling

C. words

D. concept

5.A. waste

B. limit

C. remember

D. forget

6.A. flexible

B. guilty

C. unhappy

D. curious

7.A. stood

B. turned

C. checked

D. hurried

8.A. Sure

B. Maybe

C. Immediately

D. Always

9.A. shook

B. cast

C. like

D. printed


B. frightening

C. bright

D. light

11.A. shadow

B. lamp

C. branch

D. window

12.A. looking

B. thinking

C. moving

D. cleaning

13.A. night

B. house

C. world

D. mind

14.A. disturbed

B. excited

C. surprised

D. bored

15.A. pouring

B. delivering

C. drilling

D. rising

16.A. occurred

B. arose

C. escaped

D. disappeared

17.A. bed

B. curtain

C. desk

D. book

18.A. anger

B. smile

C. gift

D. punishment

19.A. As usual

B. As a result

C. At last

D. At a time

20.A. snow

B. God

C. white

D. beauty



When it comes to friends, people always know this old saying——A friend in need is a friend indeed. The best friend a man has in the world may     him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has       with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good reputation, may         our faith. A man may        the money he has. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man’s reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are ready to fall on their knees to do us         when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of hatred when         settles its cloud upon our heads. The one         unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never         him, the one that never proves          or distrusted, is his dog.

A man’s dog stands by him in richness and in        , in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the cold wind blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his         side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to         ; he will lick the wounds and sores that come from encounter with the roughness of the world. He will guard the sleep of his master         he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he        . When wealth and reputation fall to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journeys through the heavens.

If fortune drives the master forth, a deserted person in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of         him, to guard him against danger, to fight against his         . And when the last         of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace, and his body is         in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends         their ways, there by the grave will the          dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death.

1.A. turn to       B. submit to      C. turn against D. look up

2.A. brought up B. come up      C. grown up      D. catch up

3.A. restore      B. betray C. keep    D. strengthen

4.A. gain B. lose      C. earn     D. donate

5.A. honor        B. favor  C. credit   D. good

6.A. shadow     B. success         C. failure D. depression

7.A. accurately B. deliberately          C. equally          D. absolutely

8.A. appreciates B. envies         C. admires        D. deserts

9.A. ungrateful B. unfortunate           C. faithful          D. considerate

10.A. poverty B. progress          C. welfare         D. wealth

11.A. host’s       B. master’s        C. landlord’s    D. chief’s

12.A. serve       B. fetch    C. offer  D. order

13.A .only if   B. in case C. even if          D. as if

14.A. flees        B. remains        C. ignores         D. persists

15.A. serving B. protecting             C. spoiling        D. accompanying

16.A. enemies  B. masters       C. friends          D. acquaintances

17.A. sight        B. scenery        C. scene   D. view

18.A. buried     B. hung         C. thrown       D. laid

19.A. force       B. lose       C. pursue          D. find

20.A. mean        B. general         C. selfish D. Noble



Ted spent seven years as a prisoner of war. There he discovered the power of    1    . For more than half of that    2   he was in isolation (隔絕). He lived for ten months in total     3    . Those ten months was the longest of his life. When they    4    with wooden boards the window of his little seven-by-seven foot cell, shutting out the light, he    5    if he was going to make it.

Ted spent hours a day exercising and thinking. But at times he felt he could do    6    but scream. Not wanting to give his    7    the satisfaction of knowing they’d    8    him, he placed clothing into his mouth to lessen the noise    9    he screamed at the top of his lungs.

One day Ted got down on the    10    and crawled (爬) under his bed. He found a hole that   11   air from the outside. As he approached the hole, he saw a    12    ray of light. Ted put his eye next to the wall and discovered a small crack in the building. It allowed him to glimpse    13   , though all he could see was a     14     piece of grass. But when he saw this, he felt a surge of joy, excitement and   15    that he hadn’t had in years. “It represented life, growth and    16    ,” he later said. It was the small hope that helped Ted    17    this nearly unbearable experience.

The human spirit is   18    . It seems to run forever    19    nothing but a faint (微弱的) hope. Without it, you have nothing. With it, nothing else    20    — even the worst conditions.

1. A. thought             B. scream            C. support               D. hope

2. A. prison                B. war                 C. time                    D. month

3. A. happiness           B. sadness            C. darkness              D. silence

4. A. strengthened         B. fixed               C. covered               D. broke

5. A. reminded            B. required            C. wondered             D. feared

6. A. something         B. nothing            C. everything            D. anything

7. A. soldiers             B. friends             C. enemy               D. army

8. A. wounded           B. quitted             C. satisfied              D. broken

9. A. till                 B. since               C. as                  D. after

10. A. window            B. floor               C. wall                D. board

11. A. let in            B. put out              C. took in              D. gave off

12. A. weak               B. soft                  C. strong               D. sharp

13. A. inside             B. outside              C. above               D. below

14. A. very               B. right                 C. specific             D. single

15. A. gratefulness      B. usefulness           C. fulfillment          D. establishment

16. A. courage         B. perseverance          C. choice              D. freedom

17. A. by              B. out                   C. over                 D. through

18. A. straight         B. strong               C. lucky                D. interesting

19. A. against              B. from                  C. on                   D. over

20. A. matters         B. relates               C. changes             D. happens

