語 文
閱 讀(80分)
1.(2分)第②段中所謂“統(tǒng)一規(guī)格的人”是指缺乏 的人。
3.(2分)以下對文章內(nèi)容理解正確的兩項(xiàng)是 ……………………………………( )( )
10.(2分)以下對文章的分析鑒賞有誤的一項(xiàng)是…………………………………………( )
13.(1)群賢畢至, 。(王羲之《蘭亭集序》)
(2) ,一水中分白鷺洲。(李白《登金陵鳳凰臺(tái)》)
(3)先帝不以臣卑鄙, , 。(諸葛亮《出師表》)
(4)江山代有才人出, 。(趙翼《論詩》)
(5) ,于我如浮云。(《論語》)
(6)窮則獨(dú)善其身, 。(《孟子?盡心上》)
(7)青山遮不住, 。(辛棄疾《菩薩蠻?書江西造口壁》)
[注]①孟浩然:唐代詩人,襄陽人。他40歲游京師,應(yīng)進(jìn)士不第,以隱士終身,世稱“孟襄陽”、“孟山人”。此詩即隱居襄陽時(shí)所作。 ②魚梁:襄陽鹿門山附近沔水中的沙州名。 ③夢澤:云夢澤,古澤名。 ④羊公碑:據(jù)《晉書?羊祜傳》載,晉人羊祜鎮(zhèn)守荊襄時(shí),常登峴山,他曾對同游者說:“自有宇宙,便有此山,由來賢者勝士登此遠(yuǎn)望如我與卿者多矣,皆湮滅無聞,使人傷悲。” 羊祜頗有政績,他死后,襄陽百姓在峴山主廟樹碑,以示懷念。因望其碑者莫不流淚,時(shí)人稱為“墮淚碑”。
14.(1分)孟浩然與 同為盛唐時(shí)期杰出的田園山水派詩人,被并稱為“王孟”。
16.(2分)以下對詩歌的賞析有誤的一項(xiàng)是………………………………………………( )
[甲]岳武穆人見,帝從容問曰:“卿得良馬不?”武穆答曰:“驥不稱其力,稱其德也。臣有二馬,故常奇之。日啖芻豆數(shù)斗,飲泉一斛①,然非精潔,寧餓死不受。介而馳,其初若不甚疾,比行百余里,始振鬣長鳴,奮迅示駿。自午至酉,猶可二百里。褫②鞍甲而不息不汗,若無事然。此其為馬,受大而不茍取,力裕而不求逞,致遠(yuǎn)之才也。不幸相繼以死。今所乘者不然。日所受不過數(shù)升,而秣不擇粟,飲不擇泉。攬轡未安,踴躍疾驅(qū),甫百里,力竭汗喘,殆欲斃然。此其為馬,寡取易盈,好逞易窮,駑鈍之才也!钡鄯Q善。 (選自《宋稗類鈔》)
(1)比行百余里( ) (2)受大而不茍取( )
(3)殆欲斃然( ) (4)且欲與常馬等不可得( )
19.(2分)下列加點(diǎn)詞用法相同的兩項(xiàng)是…………………………………………( )( )
A.故常奇之 B.日啖芻豆數(shù)斗 C.介而馳 D.而秣不擇粟
[注] ①歐陽公作州之二年:即宋慶歷六年,是歐陽修被貶滁州的第二年。 ②韓子退之《北湖》之詩云:韓愈
26.(2分)歐陽修在《醉翁亭記》中說“醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之間也”,上文與此意思相對應(yīng)的兩處是 ………………………………………………………………………( )( )
寫 作(70分)
I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. A. At the post office. B. At the movie theatre.
C. At the candy store. D. At the McDonald’s.
2. A. A mechanic. B. An electrician. C. A secretary. D. A surgeon.
3. A. To the theatre. B. To the airport. C. To
4. A. She can use his car. B. She can get her car fixed.
C. She needs to get a license. D. She can hire a car.
5. A. Sunny and warm. B. Rainy and cold.
C. Sunny but cold. D. Rainy but warm.
6. A. The offices all look the same. B. Every office needs a waste bin.
C. Too much paper has been wasted. D. The man uses most paper in his office.
7. A. An annoying dog. B. Their neighbor.
C. The flower garden. D. Mrs. Gorham.
8. A. He does not feel thirsty at all. B. He needs to go back to get money.
C. He can’t get anything to drink now. D. They must hurry home.
9. A. Mark made some trouble with Bobby. B. Bobby was a trouble-maker at school.
C. Mr. Allen was Bobby’s class teacher. D. Mark was Bobby’s elder bother.
10. A. Internet surfing. B. Stock exchanging.
C. Mountain climbing. D. Job hunting.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
11. A. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays. B. On Tuesdays and Thursdays.
C. On Wednesdays and Thursdays. D. On Tuesdays and Fridays.
12. A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a month. D. Twice a month.
13. A. Classroom tests. B. Attendance rate.
C. Research papers. D. Final exam.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14. A. Parents. B. Teachers. C. Experts. D. Businessmen.
15. A. Maintain a savings account. B. Visit the bank regularly.
C. Hire a personal accountant. D. Manage his own money.
16. A. The current economic situation has a negative
influence on
B. Parent-child communication on financial matters must be open.
C. Teens should learn to handle money matters well on their own.
D. Financial managers are most needed during the economic crisis.
Section C
Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
A Break-in
Name: Mrs. Jenkins
Time: Between 12:00 and ____(17)______
Lost belongings: ____(18)_____ (Value: 800 dollars)
Cash (Value: ____(19)____ dollars)
Other information: The husband is on a trip to ____(20)_____
Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.
What is the survey mainly about?
It’s on _____(21)______.
Which two sports are most favored?
What does the woman decide to do?
To expand their line of _____(23)______ and come up with a better slogan.
What does the result say about older customers?
They are more _____(24)______ about staying fit.
Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.
25. With the guide leading the way, the visitors were able to travel through the forest _____ foot.
A. by B. on C. in D. with
26. Knowing the meaning of a word is one thing; yet using it both grammatically and communicatively properly is quite ______.
A. much B. many C. little D. another
27. Many introduced plants ______ be cultivated in special soils for some time before they are transplanted in the field, otherwise they won’t survive.
A. must B. might C. could D. would
28. --- John, tell me the truth. When did you tell Bill the assignments?
--- The moment he ______ back home.
A. came B. come C. comes D. will come
29. Indeed the best leading actor has read a lot of books, but the best supporting actress has read no ______.
A. more B. few C. less D. little
30. Yesterday evening the board had a discussion regarding ______ they should set up more scholarships to meet the increasing demands.
A. what B. whether C. that D. who
31. As the visiting prime minister puts,
A. although B. until C. as D. before
32. Hours of playing violent video games can affect the way the brain works, ______ damage to certain cells of brain and slowing brain activity.
A. to cause B. causing C. cause D. caused
33. Although the causes of cancer ______, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.
A. are being uncovered B. have been uncovering
C. are uncovering D. have uncovered
34. It is generally accepted that Chinese were the earliest ______ football while the Europeans established the modern rules for football.
A. played B. playing C. to play D. having played
35. From the photographs ______ from the satellites, scientists are learning things about the earth they have never known before.
A. to sent B. to be send C. sending D. sent
36. There is little doubt _____ you will be able to judge truth and error if you have confidence in yourself.
A. that B. who C. when D. if
37. The newly concluded National People’s Congress has passed a package of economic policies _____ 8% of yearly economic growth.
A. target B. to target C. targeting D. targeted
38. Hardly______ aware that the lion was approaching her before her dog began to bark.
A. she was B. would she C. would she be D. was she
39. The government has revised the budget, 5% of______ will be used to help develop the medium and small sized enterprises.
A. that B. whose C. which D. as
40. The scientists are trying to find out what ______ caused the dolphins to strand themselves, a strange animal behavior hard to understand.
A. was it that B. that was that C. was that which D. it was that
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
If you are ever
lucky to be invited to a formal dinner party in
Here Madame Nora
Chabal, the marketing director of The Ritz Hotel in
Flowers sent in advance are the ___(45)___ gift. They may also be sent afterwards with a thank-you note. It is considered a very bad form to arrive with a gift of flowers in hand, thereby forcing the hostess to deal with finding a vase when she is too busy to do that. See, that’s the logic! The type of flowers sent has a ___(46)___ of its own, too. One must never send Chrysanthemums(菊花) because they are considered too ___(47)___ a flower for occasion. Carnations are considered bad luck. And though the French love wine, you must never bring a bottle to a dinner party. Why, it’s as if you ___(48)___ your hosts would not have enough wine on hand, and that’s an ___(49)___. You may, however, offer a box of chocolates that the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Everyone knows how the story of Cinderella ends, but did you ever really think about how she spent her days before she met the prince? Her daily ___(50)___ was not fascinating. She did everything from sweeping the floor to cooking the meals. If someone had asked Cinderella, “Are there any kinds of ___(51)___ work that you particularly hate?” she probably would have answered, “Why, none, of course. Housework is my duty!” In the real world, ___(52)___, most people have definite ___(53)___ for certain sorts of housework. Two of these tasks are ironing clothes and washing dishes.
Ironing clothes is most hated ___(54)___ it is not a task that can be completed quickly or thoughtlessly. Each piece of clothing must be handled ___(55)___, so ironing a basket of laundry can take hours! After ironing a piece of clothing with great care, you need to place it on a hanger as soon as possible. If you do not follow these directions carefully, it might become ___(56)___ and you have to start over. Perhaps that is why ironing is not a ___(57)___ thing to do. It ___(58)___ extreme attention to detail from beginning to end.
Another household job that many people dislike is washing dishes. ___(59)___, some people claim that this work is no longer a problem because we have dishwashers now! However, no one would ___(60)___ that dishes, silverware, and ___(61)___ pots and pans washed in a dishwasher don’t come out as clean as they do when washed by hand. For this reason, many of us ___(62)___ to wash our dishes by hand, but we are not necessarily happy doing it. Cleaning dishes is a job that not only takes a lot of energy but also ___(63)___ the patience to wash and dry them. ___(64)___, unlike ironing clothes, washing dishes is a thing that usually must be done every day. I don’t know how Cinderella felt about this particular task, but I believe that most people hate it as much as I do.
50. A. parade B. pattern C. routine D. response
51. A. household B. patriotic C. invisible D. mechanical
52. A. moreover B. hence C. however D. therefore
53. A. desires B. dislikes C. opinions D. appeals
54. A. but B. because C. although D. so that
55. A. gracefully B. briefly C. individually D. neutrally
56. A. suspended B. transferred C. leaked D. wrinkled
57. A. favourite B. regular C. primary D. painful
58. A. calls on B. calls for C. takes on D. takes for
59. A. As a result B. In fact C. Of course D. For example
60. A. argue B. admit C. agree D. assume
61. A. occasionally B. constantly C. especially D. classically
62. A. attach B. refuse C. continue D. engage
63. A. reduces B. regulates C. removes D. requires
64. A. In addition B. In a word C. On the contrary D. By contrast
Section B
Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
In 1993, I
had my first opportunity to visit
Toward the end of my three week trip I was invited by my young Russian host and friend Nicolai Vasilevich and his lovely wife Yulya out to dinner. At the end of a wonderful meal, Yulya asked if I would like a banana. I politely declined and thanked her, and explained I was most satisfied with the meal. But the whole while my mind was racing: “What do I do? Do I offer her a banana even though they are as close to her as they are to me? What is the polite thing to do?”
“Would you like a banana?” I asked Yulya.
“Yes,” she smiled, but made no attempt to take any of the three bananas in the fruit basket. “What now?” I thought.
“Which one would you like?” I asked awkwardly.
“That one,”
she pointed at one of the bananas. Thinking about Russian politeness, I picked
the banana Yulya had pointed at and peeled(去皮) it half way and handed it to her. Smiles in
Yulya’s and Nicolai’s faces told me I had done the right thing. After this
experience I spent much time letting the world know that in
during my third trip I was politely corrected by a Russian friend. “Oh, no, in
Certain lessons have to be learned the hard way. Some well meaning articles and presentations on cultural differences have a potential to do more harm than good and may not be as amusing. They present, like my bananas, too many generalizations or quite an inaccurate view.
65. The
author went to
A. visit a famous university B. work as an interpreter
C. offer some professional help D. do some agricultural work
66. The author decided to offer Yulya a banana because ________.
A. he sat closer to bananas B. he wanted to show politeness
C. she gave him one first D. he wanted to win her heart
67. How did the author probably feel after he saw the smiles in Yulya’s and Nicolai’s faces?
A. Awkward. B. Embarrassed. C. Surprised. D. Relieved.
68. The author told this story mainly to express that _________.
A. Russian politeness is rather difficult to understand
man should never peel a banana for a lady in
C. what people say about other culture may not be true
D. funny things may happen anywhere at any time
Proper etiquette(禮儀) should be observed in all forms of communication. When face-to-face, you communicate not only verbally, but with your body language, hand gestures, and tone of voice. Over a network or the Internet, you do not have the luxury of relying on additional methods of getting your message across. Therefore, there are some generally accepted techniques when communicating online.
Tone Down Your Language
Given the absence of face-to-face clues, written text can easily be misinterpreted. Avoid the use of strong or offensive language. If you feel particularly strongly about a point, it may be best to write it first as a draft and then to review it, before posting it, in order to remove any strong language.
Be Forgiving
If someone states something that you find offensive, mention this directly to the instructor. What you find offensive may quite possibly have been unintended and can best be cleared up by the instructor.
Test For Clarity
Messages may often appear perfectly clear to you as you compose them, but turn out to be perfectly dull to your reader. One way to test for clarity is to read your message aloud to see if it flows smoothly. If you can read it to another person before posting it, even better.
Net speak
Although electronic communication is still young, many conventions have already been established. DO NOT TYPE IN ALL CAPS. This is regarded as shouting. Acronyms and emoticons (arrangements of symbols to express emotions) are popular, but excessive use of them can make your message difficult to read. Some common ones include:
FYI = for your information
:-) = smiley face: happiness, pleasure
B/C = because
:-( = frowning face: displeasure
BTW = by the way
:-0 = shock, surprise
:-@ = Screaming
TTUL= Talk to you later
:-&= Tongue tied
ROTFL = Rolling on the floor laughing
<:-[= Disappointed
69. Which is proper in online communication according to the passage?
A. Use strong words to highlight your point. B. Check your message before sending it.
C. Type in all capital letters. D. Use as many emoticons as possible.
70. The underlined word “Acronyms” probably means __________.
A. combinations of symbols to express meanings
B. words made up of initial letters or parts of words
C. text messages to indicate the writer’s feelings
D. wise sayings providing guidance for people
71. According to the passage, we may probably type _________ to end a conversation.
A. TTUL B. ROTFL C. :-@ D. :-&
When Christmas time is upon us, there won't
be many families without some type of Christmas tree. Most will choose between
a cut pine tree and an artificial plastic tree.
Artificial Christmas trees are
usually made from steel and the plastic known as PVC. To produce one kilogram
of raw PVC you need over a kilo of fossil fuels plus half a kilo of minerals
Most live Christmas trees come either from small plantations dedicated to growing trees just for Christmas or are the rejects from large pine plantations. In both cases, the growing trees provide some long-term soil protection and suck up climate-change-causing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, the use of fertilizers and pollution from machinery can have negative impacts on the local ecosystems.
Both types of trees require
transportation to reach your home, which means fuels are burnt and air
pollution generated. The greater the distance travelled, the larger the impact,
and plastic trees certainly rack up the kilometres. The vast majority of
Despite the shorter life span, real trees are the way to go, because a natural tree can be reused in its afterlife. A plastic Christmas tree can’t be recycled and that means its final resting place will be the local dump. Here the PVC will stay in much the same form for thousands of years.
72. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Artificial Christmas trees are usually made from steel and plastic.
B. The process of producing PVC does great harm to the environment.
C. Real Christmas trees usually come from large or small plantations.
D. Real Christmas trees release much carbon dioxide while growing.
73. By saying “rack up the kilometres”, the author probably means that the transportation of plastic trees _______.
A. is more convenient B. produces more pollution
C. covers a shorter distance D. can save more fuels
74. According to the passage, real Christmas trees _______ compared with fake ones.
A. use fewer resources B. are more difficult to recycle
C. last much longer D. are less expensive
75. Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?
A. Real Christmas Trees: A Wasteful luxury
B. Fake Christmas Trees: An Economical Choice
C. Real Christmas Trees: A Greener Decision
D. Fake Christmas Trees: A Popular Trend
If you try to explain to someone, without using pictures, how to build the building that you have designed, it would take an enormous amount of writing and might end up with a very funny-looking building. The architect uses pictures called details to show how many hundreds of parts go together to form a complete building. This type of drawing is called drafting and is done by people called draftsmen.
Draftsmen make up the largest group of the architectural offices’ work force. Because of the wide range of duties they perform, draftsmen are sometimes called architectural technicians. In a typical office, there are not only career draftsmen but also architectural graduates working as junior draftsmen to learn the trade. Career draftsmen are usually graduates from a two-year junior college called technical school. There was a time when architectural office used young people right out of high school as tracers. Their job was to trace over the other people’s details while learning to be a draftsman. This is no longer possible with the fast-pace of architects’ offices today although a junior draftsman is given guides by the more experienced employees.
So a good comprehensive architectural drafting course is a must before anyone seeks a job with an architectural firm. The job of the draftsmen is to translate the ideas and directions of architects, designers and engineers into complete and accurate working drawings. These become the plans and details used in the actual construction of a building. The project must be shown in great detail and drawn very clearly, so there is no chance for misunderstanding by the contractors(承包商). Every line and figure has an effect on the finished product.
As you can see, the draftsman is a key member of the architectural team. Of course, a junior draftsman is not expected to produce a complete set of working drawings. Depending on the size of the office and difficulty of the project, draftsmen may work in groups. The group leader coordinates the group and works closely with the project architect while the drawings are being produced.
Working conditions are mostly very pleasant as draftsmen's work is intense and many people depend on accurate work. Each draftsman has a large combination drawing board and desk with various drawing aids. Almost without exception, members of the architectural team have at one time in their careers worked as draftsmen. This is essential to an architect education and most architects never get very far away from the drafting board.
76. According to the passage, career draftsmen are usually ______.
A. experienced architects B. architectural designers
C. high school graduates D. graduates of technical schools
77. We can learn from the passage that “working drawings” refers to ______.
A. the architect’s rough drawings and directions
B. the ideas and directions for the project
C. the plans and details for the actual construction
D. the designer's handbooks, tables and building codes
78. What can we learn about draftsmen from the passage?
A. They all work in groups with a project architect.
B. They are the main members of the architectural team.
C. They provide labor and building materials.
D. They give guides to inexperienced architects.
79. What is most essential for draftsmen’s work according to the author?
A. An architect education. B. The spirit of team work.
C. Accuracy in the drawings. D. Advanced drawing aids.
Section C
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable question from A-F for each answer. There is one extra question which you do not need.