0  969  977  983  987  993  995  999  1005  1007  1013  1019  1023  1025  1029  1035  1037  1043  1047  1049  1053  1055  1059  1061  1063  1064  1065  1067  1068  1069  1071  1073  1077  1079  1083  1085  1089  1095  1097  1103  1107  1109  1113  1119  1125  1127  1133  1137  1139  1145  1149  1155  1163  3002 







1.身在英國倫敦的張先生同步收看北京奧運會閉幕式,當地區(qū)時是                  (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.8月24日20:00                  B.8月25日0:00學科網(Zxxk.Com)

C.8月24日12:00                  D.8月23日12:00學科網(Zxxk.Com)

2.下列四幅氣候類型圖中,分別與北京和倫敦氣候類項相同的是               (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)



A.①②           B.②③           C.③④           D.②④學科網(Zxxk.Com)

3.我國城市化進程日益加快,城市土地價格大幅上揚,加之其他因素,于是導致房地產價格也“突飛猛進”,影響了城市居民的生活水平。“住房痛苦指數”是指每平方米的商品房均價與城市職工月收入之比。下表為我國某地區(qū)的商品房均價、職工月收入統(tǒng)計表。下列說法正確的                                       (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)
































4.關于老年勞動力所占比例變化曲線,正確的是                             (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)





5.“人口紅利”是指通過家庭計劃生育,在比較低收入條件下,加速人口轉變,形成較高比例的勞動或工作人口。圖中“人口紅利”最小的時期是                                  (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

 A.1990年―2000年                  B.2000年―2010年學科網(Zxxk.Com)

C.2010年一2020年                  D.2030年―2040年學科網(Zxxk.Com)

6.我國中部和西部地區(qū)最大的貿易中心分別是                               (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.武漢和成都                       B.鄭州和蘭州學科網(Zxxk.Com)

C.重慶和烏魯木齊                   D.西安和長沙學科網(Zxxk.Com)

7.如圖為我國某區(qū)域圖,以下關于該區(qū)域的描述,正確的是                   (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)








8.改革開放以來,大量外來人口涌入珠江三角洲,下表是珠三角某市遷入人口年齡及性別統(tǒng)計圖。那么遷入該市人口的特征是                                                  (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)



















A.男性人口少于女性人口             B.青壯年人口少于中年人口學科網(Zxxk.Com)

C.人口遷入受經濟因素的影響         D.老年人口比重大學科網(Zxxk.Com)

9.俾斯麥曾經對人說:“三十年后,日本其強,中國其弱乎?日人之游歐洲者,討論學業(yè),講究官制,歸而行之;中人之游歐洲者,詢某廠船炮之利,某廠價值之廉,購而用之!辟滤果湹脑挿从吵龅              (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.中國文化落后于日本     學科網(Zxxk.Com)


C.中國辛亥革命的失誤     學科網(Zxxk.Com)


10.胡錦濤主席說“中國國民黨和中國共產黨領導的抗日軍隊,分別擔負著正面戰(zhàn)場和敵后戰(zhàn)場的作戰(zhàn)任務,形成了共同抗擊日本侵略者的戰(zhàn)略態(tài)勢……以國民黨軍隊為主體的正面戰(zhàn)場,組織了一系列大仗,特別是全國抗戰(zhàn)初期的淞滬、忻口、徐州、武漢等戰(zhàn)役,給日軍以沉重打擊”,抗戰(zhàn)初期,國民政府在正面戰(zhàn)場組織了多次會戰(zhàn),其最重要意義在于                                                                  (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.消滅了日軍大量有生力量           B.粉碎了日軍速戰(zhàn)速決的侵略計劃學科網(Zxxk.Com)



                                                                        (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.民族區(qū)域自治制度                 B.人民代表大會制度學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   C.政治協(xié)商制度                     D.市場經濟制度學科網(Zxxk.Com)

12.2008年5月12日四川汶川發(fā)生大地震,給四川地區(qū)造成重大人員及財產損失,我國是世界上最早發(fā)明地動儀的國家,我國古代發(fā)明地動儀的人及比歐洲早的時間分別是          (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)










汶川映秀鎮(zhèn)地震后航拍圖                   地動儀復原圖學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.畢?,1100多年                   B.張衡,1100多年學科網(Zxxk.Com)

C.張衡,1700多年                   D.宋應星,1700多年學科網(Zxxk.Com)

13.“誰不知道,教會領導下的歐洲,一切學問和知識也都發(fā)達!因為誰是最淵博的哲學家,最流行的演說家,最偉大的文學家,還不是那班人說了算!”這一段話最早可能出自什么人                        (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.中世紀的基督教神學家             B.文藝復興時期的人文主義者學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   C.啟蒙運動時期的思想家             D.宗教改革時代的新教教士學科網(Zxxk.Com)


                                                                        (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.英國           B.美國           C.法國           D.俄國學科網(Zxxk.Com)

15.“那時,六大公司統(tǒng)治著德國化學工業(yè)市場,他們組成兩大集團……此后不久,它又吞并了兩大獨立公司”。從生產關系的角度看,這段材料說明的是      (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.化學工業(yè)發(fā)展迅速                 B.工業(yè)生產競爭日趨激烈學科網(Zxxk.Com)

C.壟斷形成并不斷發(fā)展               D.工廠的規(guī)模不斷擴大學科網(Zxxk.Com)

16.“對于哪些基本上不需要國家從儲備中撥給原料、燃料和糧食的中小企業(yè)給以支持。允許把國家企業(yè)租給私人、合作社、勞動組合和公司!鄙鲜霾牧戏从车恼呤            (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.戰(zhàn)時共產主義政策                 B.新經濟政策   學科網(Zxxk.Com)

C.國家工業(yè)化                       D.農業(yè)集體化學科網(Zxxk.Com)

17.20世紀80年代后期,亞太經合組織成立。90年代初期,歐盟和北美貿易區(qū)相繼建立。本世紀初,東盟自由貿易區(qū)開始啟動。這些事件表明                                    (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.世界政治經濟一體化發(fā)展趨勢       B.世界經濟區(qū)域集團化發(fā)展趨勢學科網(Zxxk.Com)

C.世界經濟全球化趨勢               D.自由競爭取代了宏觀調控學科網(Zxxk.Com)

18.由于國際油價持續(xù)暴跌,石油輸出國組織(歐佩克)2008年10月16日宣布,歐佩克可能在上個月減產50萬桶的基礎上將原油日產量再降低100萬桶。受到這一消息刺激,國際油價在連日下挫之后出現強勁反彈,紐約市場油價一度漲至每桶74.30美元。材料表明                                                  (    )學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.石油價格的上漲是由其價值決定的 學科網(Zxxk.Com)

B.石油的供不應求導致價值上升 學科網(Zxxk.Com)



19.為規(guī)范政府制定價格聽證行為,國家發(fā)改委根據《中華人民共和國價格法》制定了《政府制定價格聽證辦法》。本辦法已于2008年12月1日起施行!墩贫▋r格聽證辦法》規(guī)定,聽證會參加人由下列人員構成:消費者;經營者;與定價聽證項目有關的其他利益相關方;相關領域的專家、學者;政府價格主管部門認為有必要參加聽證會的政府部門、社會組織和其他人員。這種構成                                    (    )





A.②③④         B.①③④         C.①②④         D.①②③


20.報告指出:就業(yè)是民生之本。要堅持實施積極的就業(yè)政策,加強政府引導,完善市場就業(yè)機制,擴大就業(yè)規(guī)模,改善就業(yè)結構。要實現上述目標,就要      (    )





A.①②③         B.①②④         C.①③④         D.②③④

21.胡錦濤在報告中明確強調要“推動社會主義文化大發(fā)展大繁榮”。在當代中國,發(fā)展先進文化就是                            (    )






22.神舟七號載人航天飛行圓滿成功,實現了我國空間技術發(fā)展具有里程碑意義的重大跨越,標志著我國成為世界上第三個獨立掌握空間出艙關鍵技術的國家。這說明              (    )





23.從神一到神七,從無人航天到載人航天,從單人航天到多人航天,從艙內活動到出艙活動,中國航天事業(yè)在奮斗中一步步向前邁進,這說明                                  (    )





A.①③           B.②④           C.①②           D.③④

24.“神舟七號”的成功發(fā)射                                              (    )





A.①②③         B.①②④         C.①③④         D.②③④

25.漫畫“餓死是小,失節(jié)是大”,反映的是在世界金融危機的沖擊下,冰島面臨破產,俄羅斯援助,西方擔憂。這表明                                     (    )































材料一  世道的治亂,向來是中國傳統(tǒng)政治思想的核心問題,而“民為邦本”則是中國傳統(tǒng)政治思想的重要內容。下面是一組古代關于民本思想的敘述:“得民心者得天下,失民心者失天下”、“凡治國之道,必先富民”、“倉廩實而后知禮節(jié),衣食足而后知榮辱”、“善為國者,馭民如父母之愛子,如兄之愛弟,見饑寒則為之憂,見其勞苦則為之悲,賞罰如加于身,賦斂如取己物”、“治政之要在于安民,安民之道在于察其疾苦而已”等。

材料二  明末清初,黃宗羲指出,天下之治亂與一姓之興替是無關的,“蓋天下之治亂,不在一姓之興亡,而在萬民之憂樂”(《原臣》),即一國的治與亂要看人民是否幸福,而并不在于由誰來做君主,而在于是否以萬民的切身利益為目的,從而否定了專制君主將萬民幸福系于一姓的謊言。

材料三  2007年10月,中共十七大召開,大會明確指出:“人民民主是社會主義的生命。發(fā)展社會主義民主政治是我們黨始終不渝的奮斗目標。改革開放以來,我們積極穩(wěn)妥推進政治體制改革。政治體制改革作為我國全面改革的重要組成部分,必須隨著經濟社會發(fā)展而不斷深化,與人民政治參與積極性不斷提高相適應,必須堅持正確政治方向,以保證人民當家作主為根本,以增強黨和國家活力、調動人民積極性為目標!



















材料一  中美兩國科技創(chuàng)新能力對比表:
















材料二  中國共產黨在《中共中央關于制定國民經濟和社會發(fā)展第十一個五年規(guī)劃的建設》中指出:全面貫徹科學發(fā)展觀必須提高自主創(chuàng)新能力。要深入實現實施科教興國戰(zhàn)略和人才強國戰(zhàn)略,把增強自主創(chuàng)新能力作為科學技術發(fā)展的戰(zhàn)略基點和調整產業(yè)結構、轉變經濟增長方式的中心環(huán)節(jié),大力提高原始創(chuàng)新能力、集成創(chuàng)新能力和引進消化吸收再創(chuàng)新能力。

材料三  提高自主創(chuàng)新能力是增強國家競爭力和實現可持續(xù)發(fā)展的需要,科學技術的發(fā)展要堅持“自主創(chuàng)新、重點跨越、支撐發(fā)展、引領未來”的方針,不斷增強企業(yè)的自主創(chuàng)新能力。














1.Question: Who found a seat in the smoking section? 學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.The man              B.The woman            C.neither學科網(Zxxk.Com)

2.Is the woman going to Helen’s birthday party?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.She is               B.she isn’t           C.She hasn’t decided.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

3.Which bus is the better to the zoo?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.T-30                 B.Z-8                  C.neither學科網(Zxxk.Com)

4.Which direction that guy who they are talking about turned to 學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.The guy turned right.                        B.That guy turned left.    C.That guy turned back.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

5.Why did the woman not drive her car?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.Her car broken down.                         B.The gas ran out.     C.Her car was lent.學科網(Zxxk.Com)




6.What’s Claire’s telephone number 學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.3725019281           B.3725015281           C.37295019281學科網(Zxxk.Com)

7.Whose telephone number is mentioned in this conversation ?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.Rich                 B.Jim                  C.Claire學科網(Zxxk.Com)


8.How does the woman think it to get to Holton railway station?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.It’s very difficulty.                       B.It’s a little difficulty.       C.It’s easy.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

9.According to the woman , what direction should the man turn to first?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.He should turn left.                         B.He should turn right.    C.He should turn back.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

10.How many miles are the traffic lights away from the place where the man asked for the way?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.a mile               B.2 miles              C.3 miles學科網(Zxxk.Com)


11.What does the cost depend on?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.The distance         B.The way you send it.                     C.The time it spends學科網(Zxxk.Com)

12.How does the man think the airmail and the surface mail?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.He thinks the airmail is faster and more expensive than surface mail.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    B.He thinks the surface mail is faster and more expensive than airmail.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    C.He doesn’t know the differences between them.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

13.How long will sending the parcel by airmail take?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.two days             B.four or five days                        C.two weeks學科網(Zxxk.Com)


14.How long has the woman felt terrible?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.3 days               B.a few days           C.She didn’t mention.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

15.Where did the woman get the medicine ?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.at the chemist’s   B.at the doctor’s    C.in the hospital學科網(Zxxk.Com)

16.How does the woman think the suggestion that she should have a good rest?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.She will follow the doctor.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   B.She won’t because she hasn’t finish the project.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   C.She will take the medicine but won’t have a rest.學科網(Zxxk.Com)


17.What’s the attitude of the parents to their children’s education in China ?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.They are too strict with their children.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    B.They are too rich to educate their children.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   C.They have some problems in educating their children correctly.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

18.Where do the children’s skills from?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.The children’s skills come from their parents.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    B.The children’s skills may be different.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   C.The children’s skills have nothing to do with their education.學科網(Zxxk.Com)


19.What does the writer of this passage not seem to be satisfied with?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.The parents’ idea of educating their children.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   B.The education system.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   C.The children’s skills.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

20.Why does doing some cooking at home help children?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   A.It can help children learn how to serve their parents.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   B.The children can benefit from it and prepare themselves for the future.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

   C.It can help children learn how to become strong and fat.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)學科網(Zxxk.Com)

第一節(jié) 單項填空(共15小題:每小題1分,滿分15分)學科網(Zxxk.Com)


例:We ______ last night, but we went to the concert instead.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.must have studied               B.might study     學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    C.should have studied             D.would study學科網(Zxxk.Com)


21.Some researchers are finding that daydreaming may be important to ____ mental health. Daydreaming, they say, is _____ good means of relaxation.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.the; /         B./; the       C./;/             D./; a學科網(Zxxk.Com)

22.I called the airline to ____ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.obtain         B.admit         C.confirm         D.appoint學科網(Zxxk.Com)

23._____ that you are chosen to be a volunteer at Beijing Olympics Games, what will you do?學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.Assuming       B.Assumed       C.To assume       D.To be assumed學科網(Zxxk.Com)

24.This January will be very precious for us by which time we______ reviewing Senior Book I.學科網(Zxxk.Com)學科網(Zxxk.Com)

A.will finish                     B.will have finished學科網(Zxxk.Com)學科網(Zxxk.Com)

C.have finished                   D.will be finished學科網(Zxxk.Com)

25.It is reported that some wild animals were found_______ in a big cave in the mountain.     學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.to hide dead   B.hidden dead學科網(Zxxk.Com)   C.hiding dead     D.hidden death學科網(Zxxk.Com)

26._____ this afternoon, you would have to come again next week.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.The boss were not to return                        B.The boss didn’t return學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    C.Didn’t the boss return         D.Were the boss not to return學科網(Zxxk.Com)

27.The view ____ many scientists hold is ____ too much emission of carbon dioxide is destructive.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.what; that     B.that; which   C.that; that      D.which; which學科網(Zxxk.Com)

28.Why do we have to ____ Sue’s selfish behavior? We should teach her to care for others.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A.make up for    B.split up      C.put up with     D.get rid of學科網(Zxxk.Com)


29.?I hope you’ve read the instructions.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

--Yes, of course _____.學科網(Zxxk.Com)

    A. I have        B.I do          C.I will          D.I did學科網(Zxxk.Com)

30.With April 18’s railway speedup, highway and air transport will have to compete with ____ service for passengers.

    A.the best       B.best          C.better          D.good

31.We don’t think it any good ___ children _____ online without any restriction.

    A.allow; to chat                  B.allowing; chatting

    C.to allow; chatting              D.allowing; to chat

32.Their early success was ____ by a period of miserable failure.

    A.struck         B.undertaken    C.violated        D.succeeded

33.____crime in this area has increased so much over the last 20 years?

    A.Why is it that B.Why it is that C.Why was it that D.Why it was that

34.To their delight, they __________got what they had been looking forward to .

    A.normally       B.eventually    C.particularly                  D.originally

35.―Jenny.how do you find the movie De Vinci Code?

    一It         . I really wish to see it again.

    A.couldn’t be better             B.couldn’t be worse

    C.was just so so                   D.lasted more than two hours

第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題,每題1分,共20分)


As we all know “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” and “36 every successful man there is a woman.” Both these   37  mean the same things. Men rule the   38 , but their wives rule them.

Chinese people and other foreigners often say,   39   of the American women like making their husbands and sons successful, but some of them want   40  for themselves. They want good   41 . When they work they want to   42  better paid. They want to be as   43  as men.

In 1960s, the American women’s liberation  44 was started by women who don’t want to 45 behind successful men. They want to stand beside them, with the same 46 for success. They don’t want to be told that certain jobs or 47 are closed to them. They refused to work side by side with men who do the 48 work for higher pay.

In America, a liberation woman must be 49 of being a woman and have confidence in herself. If somebody says to her, “You have come a long 50,  baby”, she will 51 and answer, “Not nearly as 52 as I am going to go, baby ”.

On the other hand, this movement is quite 53, and many American women do not agree. 54 it has already made some important 55 in women’s lives.

36.A.Before         B.Behind.       C. Near           D.Beside

37.A.writings       B.words         C.letters         D.sayings

38.A.family         B.society       C.earth           D.world

39.A.most           B.Few           C.All             D.None

40.A.anything       B.something     C.nothing         D.everything

41.A.jobs           B.clothes       C.food            D.houses

42.A.be             B.have          C.make            D.receive

43.A.good           B.wonderful     C.successful      D.much

44.A.activity       B.movement      C.affairs         D.incident

45.A stand           B.co-operate    C.work            D.help

46.A.work           B.job           C.position        D.chance

47.A.offices        B.schools       C.shops           D.places

48.A.better         B.same          C.less            D.important

49.A.tired          B.afraid        C.fond            D.proud

50.A.place          B.walk          C.way             D.journey

51.A.cry            B.smile         C.laugh           D.sob

52.A.long           B.far           C.soon            D.much

53.A.new            B.good          C.important       D.pleasing

54.A.So             B.And           C.But             D.Or

55.A.progress       B.improvement   C.decisions       D.changes

第三部分  閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)



Chinese Graduates will Struggle to Find Jobs This Year

China's graduates will find it tougher than ever to get jobs in the coming year, as China's economy slows down and unemployment rises.

    Experts say a chronic over-supply of graduates and a shortage of "high end" jobs had already been causing difficulties, but the mass lay-offs and Business closures (倒閉) in recent months has made the situation even worse.

    Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has told students that the problem of graduate employment is "at the top of the government's agenda(議事日程)".

    Six and a half million graduates in China will be looking for a job over the next year.

    The government says it is going to try to create nine million jobs for them and for those from previous years who are still unemployed. That will not be easy though. Economic growth in China is expected by some to fall below the figure of 8%, cited by many as the minimum(最小值) needed to continue to create enough jobs.

    There are three problems for the new graduates to cope with. Firstly the economic slowdown here means there are fewer jobs available. Secondly widespread redundancies mean there are more experienced people than there might have been in previous years, trying to secure the same jobs as them. Thirdly there are many graduates from previous years who are still jobless.

    Shattered hopes

    Cao Shanshan studied exhibition planning and management at Shanghai Business School.


56.We can infer from the passage that _________.

    A.The graduates this year will have enough jobs.

    B.The people will find jobs easily because the government will create nine million jobs for them this year.

    C.Not every graduate can find a job this year.

    D.all of previous graduates have found jobs.

57.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

    A.Cao Shanshan studied exhibition planning and management

    B.Cao Shanshan is easy to find a job because of her major.

    C.Cao Shanshan did a intern job but it wasn’t connected with her major.

    D.Cao Shanshan was unsatisfied with the income.

58.From the theme, this text is _____________________.

    A.a narrative (記敘文)            B.a comment

  C.a report                        D.a piece of news

59.What does the text mainly discuss?

    A.The government will create jobs for the graduates and for those from previous years who are still unemployed.

    B.It is difficult for the graduates to find a job.

    C.Cao Shanshan doesn’t find a ideal job.

    D.To find a good job easily graduates must go back to school to study for a masters

60.The underlined word “qualification” means____________?

    A.證書           B.條件          C.能力            D.品質


Money Matters for students


Who pays?

The local education authority (LEA) for the area in which the student is living.

Who can get this money?

Anyone who gets a place on a first degree course, although a student who has already attended a course of advanced further education may not. Students must also have been resident in the UK for at least three years, which can exclude(排除) some students from overseas.


If a student has worked before going to college:

A student who is 26 or more before the course starts and who has worked for at least three of the previous six years will get extra money-£155 a year if 26, increasing to a maximum of £615 at 29 or more.

If a student is handicapped:

LEAs will give up to £500 to help meet extra expenses―such as buying a tape recorder for a blind student, extra heating or special food.


Most of the big banks offer special services to students who open accounts (in the hope that they will stay with the bank when they become rich officials). A student won’t usually have to pay bank charges as long as the account stays in credit. Some banks allow students to overdraw by £100 or so, and still don’t make charges (though they do charge interest).

61.A student from Japan who has been staying in England for a year and intends to go to college in a few months will         .

    A.get money if he is taking a first degree course

    B.be unable to get money from any LEA

    C.get money from any LEA when he has finished his course

    D.have to open a bank account before he gets any money

62.A 31-year-old nurse wishes to qualify as a doctor at a university. She has worked since she was 25. How much extra money will she get a year?

    A.None           B.£ 155        C.£615           D.£515

63.A student who cannot walk has to buy a wheelchair costing £750 to go to classes. How much of the cost will he have to pay himself?

    A.£150          B.£250         C.£500           D.£750

64.You are a new student. Why may a bank welcome you as a customer?

    A.They know you receive money regularly.

    B.They charge students extra.

    C.They hope you will be rich in the future.

D.They need students accounts in term-time.

65.How much do the banks permit the students who open accounts with them to overdraw?

    A.£ 155         B.£ 615        C.£500           D.£110


Eating more vegetables and exercising can delay or even prevent diabetes, according to scientists.

Diet and exercise reduced the rate of diabetes by about 43 per cent over 20 years among 577 high-risk Chinese adults, the researchers reported in the journal Lancet.

In the research, the volunteers were assigned (分配) to either a control group or one of three groups that included an improved diet, better exercise or a combination of both.

At the end of the 20 years, 80 per cent of those who changed what they ate and exercised more had diabetes, compared with 93 per cent who made no changes, said Guangwei Li of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing and Ping Zhang at the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

The control team reported that insulin (胰島素) infusions (注入) or daily injections given early to people with newly diagnosed type II diabetes (which accounts for about 90 per cent of all diabetes cases and is closely linked to fatness and physical inactivity) helped the body's insulin-producing cells and restored blood sugar control faster than standard pills.

The findings came as part of a series of studies addressing new research about diabetes, which affects 246 million adults worldwide, and accounts for six percent of all global deaths. The researchers did not say what specific foods or amount of exercise contributed to the health improvements but said the findings provide an effective strategy to deal with a disease that kills about 3 million people worldwide each year.

"The challenge is to translate research findings into practical clinical improvements for patients. Although prospects are hopeful, they are not assured," the Lancet wrote in a commentary.

The International Diabetes Federation estimates more than 380 million people will have a form of diabetes by 2025 as more developing nations adopt a Westem lifestyle. Too much blood sugar in the blood ─ a quality of diabetes ─ can damage eyes and also leads to heart disease, stroke and limb amputations.

66.What did the researchers find out?

    A.How long it would take to prevent diabetes.

    B.How long diabetes could be delayed.

    C.How lifestyle changes could affect people's health.

    D.How diabetes could be controlled by medicines.

67.According to the Lancet, what's the challenge?

    A.The proving of the findings.

    B.Further research on diabetes.

    C.The applying of these findings.

    D.The spreading of the new strategy worldwide.

68.Which of the following statements about the research may be TRUE?

    A.The volunteers are Chinese patients with diabetes.

    B.The research is run by experts from China and US cooperatively.

    C.Too many insulin infusions lead to physical inability.

    D.Type II diabetes accounts for six per cent of all global deaths.

69.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

    A.The International Diabetes Federation is leading a series of researches into diabetes.

    B.The Asian lifestyle is healthier than the European lifestyle.

    C.Diabetes can result in too much sugar in blood.

    D.Diabetes can result in other diseases.

70.What's the main idea of the text?

    A.The causes of diabetes have been discovered.

    B.Diabetes is the most dangerous disease.

    C.Improved diet and exercise can prevent or delay diabetes.

    D.More people will have diabetes.


If boy wizard(巫師) Harry Potter uses his magic to capture(迷住) the hearts of millions of teenagers, high school students Gabriella and Troy have charmed American boys and girls with their stories of campus life.

    They are the leading characters in High School Musical, a series of hugely successful films in the US. The sequel (續(xù)集), High School Musical 3, came out on October 24 and has topped the American box office for two straight weeks.

    The show has everything attractive to teenagers―dancing, catchy (悅耳的) music, puppy love and good looks. The story starts when high school basketball star Troy and brainy Gabriella ―two teenagers who are worlds apart―meet during the winter break. At a karaoke contest they discover their love for singing and an interest in each other. When school starts, Troy finds out that Gabriella is the new girl at his school.

    Eager to find the magic they had during karaoke, Troy and Gabriella decide to audition (試鏡) for the school’s upcoming musical. This angers the school’s drama queen Sharpay. However, they overcome difficulties and become the leading actors.

    But the story doesn't end there. High School Musical 2 follows their adventures over summer vacation when Sharpay tries to break up Troy and Gabriella. In the latest sequel, high school seniors are facing the possibilities of being separated from each other as they go off in different directions when graduating from high school.

    Joined by the rest of their friends, Troy and Gabriella stage a musical reflecting (反映) their experiences, hopes and fears about the future.

    <td id="np3md"></td>
      • 20090316

        71.What is the passage mainly about?

            A.Boy wizard―Harry potter.

            B.High school students Gabriella and Troy.

            C.A successful show―High school Musical.

            D.Disney’s long-term efforts.

        72.How many films are there in this series of films?

            A.2.             B.3.            C.4.              D.5.        

        73.What can you learn from the words “two teenagers who are worlds apart?”

            A.They live far away from each other.

            B.They used to know each other well.

            C.They have a big difference between each other.

            D.They study at the same school.

        74.What happens in High School Musical 2, according to the passage?

            A.Troy and Gabriella audition for a school musical.

            B.Troy and Gabriella meet at a karaoke contest.

            C.Troy and Gabriella graduate from high school.

            D.Sharpay tries to break up Troy and Gabriella.

        75.What does New York Times reporter Dave Itzkoff mean?

            A.The high school students don’t like Mickey Mouse.

            B.Mickey Mouse is more attractive to youngsters.

            C.High School Musical is possibly more attractive to youngsters.

            D.Mickey Mouse is too old to be recognized by youngsters.











        第一節(jié):閱讀表達(共5 小題;每小題3分,滿分15 分)


        JAY Chou, S.H.E. and Happy Boys? They are some of the singers who keep your music world busy. But                      Peking Opera? Is it only the favorite pastime of your grandfather?

        Now, you have the chance to get to know the real beauty of this traditional art. This term, a Peking Opera project is starting in 200 schools in 10 provinces and municipalities (直轄市). It will involve 15 works of Peking Opera, both classic and modern.

        So how much do you know about this 200-year-old art? Peking Opera combines instrumental music, singing, dancing, acting and acrobatics (雜技). Full of Chinese cultural elements, Peking Opera presents to the audience an encyclopedia (百科全書) of Chinese culture with unfolding stories, beautiful paintings, wonderful costumes and graceful gestures.

        The art form has created many "firsts" in Chinese dramas: the abundance of repertoires   (曲目), the number of artists and opera troupes and audience. So it is called the national opera of China.

        There are five main roles in Peking Opera: sheng, dan, jing, mo and chou. Sheng is the leading male actor. Dan is the female roles. Jing refers to male roles with colored face paintings who represent warriors (戰(zhàn)士), heroes, statesmen, adventurers and demons (魔鬼). Mo is a minor male role. Chou is a male comic character with a white patch on the nose. They play roles of wit and humor. It is these characters that keep the audience laughing to ease tension in some serious plays.

        76.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


        77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? 

        Is it only the thing that your grandfather like best to kill time?


        78.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.

        (Please answer within 10 words.)


        79.What's your opinion about the Peking Opera project started in schools?

           (Please answer within 30 words.)



        80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.






            ●壓力原因分析    ●你對壓力的看法和建議


        Boys and girls,

          May I have your attention,please!                                            




        That’s all. Thanks for your attention.
































        語 文 試 題







        物   理


        第Ⅰ卷(選擇題  共40分)









        一  。選擇題:本大題共12小題,每小題5分,共60分.在每小題給出的四個選項中,只有一項是符合題目要求的.



        A.第一象限     B.第二象限      C.第三象限        D.第四象限


        A.充分不必要條件  B.必要不充分條件  C.充要條件  D.不充分也不必要條件

        3 .在各項均為正數的等比數列{6ec8aac122bd4f6e}中, 6ec8aac122bd4f6e、6ec8aac122bd4f6e是方程6ec8aac122bd4f6e的兩個根,則6ec8aac122bd4f6e的值為                        

        A. 32           B. 64           C. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e64            D.256


        A.2                  B.6ec8aac122bd4f6e              C.6ec8aac122bd4f6e             D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e

        5.已知f(sinx+cosx)=tanx(x[0,π]),則f (6ec8aac122bd4f6e)等于

           A .-6ec8aac122bd4f6e        B. -6ec8aac122bd4f6e        C. ±6ec8aac122bd4f6e      D. -6ec8aac122bd4f6e或-6ec8aac122bd4f6e


        A.20          B.22         C.24       D.26



        A.366ec8aac122bd4f6e        B.216ec8aac122bd4f6e             C.96ec8aac122bd4f6e          D.86ec8aac122bd4f6e



        A.6ec8aac122bd4f6e     B.6ec8aac122bd4f6e     C.6ec8aac122bd4f6e    D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e

        9.已知O為直角坐標系原點,P、Q的坐標滿足不等式組6ec8aac122bd4f6e,則6ec8aac122bd4f6e的最小值為(   )

        A、6ec8aac122bd4f6e          B、6ec8aac122bd4f6e            C、6ec8aac122bd4f6e             D、0

        10 .袋中裝有編號從1、2、3、4的四個球,四個人從中各取一個球,則甲不取1號球,乙不取2號球,丙不取3號球,丁不取4號球的概率

        6ec8aac122bd4f6e   A.6ec8aac122bd4f6e          B.6ec8aac122bd4f6e           C.6ec8aac122bd4f6e         D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e

        11.如圖所示,O、A、B是平面上三點,向量6ec8aac122bd4f6e在平面        AOB上,P為線段AB的垂直平分線上任一點,


           A.6ec8aac122bd4f6e       B.5          C.3         D. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e










        A.6ec8aac122bd4f6e             B.6ec8aac122bd4f6e          C.6ec8aac122bd4f6e          D.6ec8aac122bd4f6e



















                化學      2009.3.20


        可能用到的相對原子質量:H 1   C 12   N 14  O  16   Na  23   Al  27  S  32    Cl  35.5   Fe  56  

        卷(選擇題  共48分)







        本試卷共分為第Ⅰ卷(選擇題)、第Ⅱ卷(非選擇題)和第III卷(聽力)三部分,滿分150分,考試時間120分鐘。第Ⅰ卷1至8頁, 第Ⅱ卷9至10頁, 第III卷11至12頁,共12頁。

        考試結束后, 將第II 卷 (9-10頁) 和答題卡(雙卡)一并交回。


        第I卷 選擇題(共85分)




        第一部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié), 滿分45分)


        1. ----Hi, Tom ! How did you find your visit to Tianjin Binhai New Area?

        ----________. It is worth visiting once more.

        A. Easily.            B. Exactly.                  C. Amazing.               D. Accidentally.

        2. Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good ________ on a potential employer.

          A. experience           B. impression              C. reputation               D. reflection

        3. Please inform me as soon as possible once there is a (n)________ position in the branch office.

        A. empty             B. blank                    C. hollow                 D. vacant

        4. The children, ________ their lessons for the day, went home from the grammar school.

          A. To finish        B. finishing           C. having finished     D. to have finished

        5.________you master an effective method to study French ________ make great progress in a short time.

        A. Only if ; will you                                B. Only if ; you will 

        C. Unless ;will you                                         D. Unless ;you will

        6. How you deal with the misfortune when faced with it can truly ________ your character.

        A. test               B. examine                 C. check                          D. react

        7. A study shows that students living in non-smoking dormitories are less likely to ________ the habit of smoking.

        A. make up          B. turn up                  C. draw up                        D. pick up

        8.---- Hurry, John!

          ---- Oh, damn! Both my legs are nearly to give out. I ________for hours .

        A. had walked             B. walked                  C. have been walking    D. am walking

        9. Why were you driving so fast? You ________somebody.

        A. might hurt       B. might have hurt 

        C. would hurt       D. must have hurt

        10. ________email is an increasingly popular means of communication , I prefer writing letters.

        A. As             B. While    C. Since        D. Because

        11. After five hours' drive, they reached _______the local called Paradise they'd been dreaming of.

        A. that            B. where            C. which                   D. what

        12. ----Are you going to take the job?

           ----Certainly, though the salary is not so good. ________, you know.

        A. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

        B. A golden key can open any door.

        C. Actions speak louder than words.

        D. Better late than never.

        13. It was in the beautiful park ________was located by the sea ________we first met our new Chinese teacher.

        A. where; which                                       B. that; which

        C. that; that                                              D. which; where

        14. Our goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable_______ his financial situation.

        A. in view of               B. owing to                 C. in terms of              D. regardless of

        15._______ to living in Tianjin for quite a few years, Mr. Park had little difficulty understanding Chinese.

        A. Accustomed            B. To be accustomed 

        C. Accustoming           D. Being accustomed



        One night last summer, my neighbor Debbie came over and knocked on my door. “I’m leaving for   16  , Jim,” she said. “Would you mind dropping by my house in a while and   17  on my mother?”

           “Not a problem,” I said.

        I’d lived next door to Debbie and her 84-year-old   18   , Nan, for about six months, and we’d become fast friends. Debbie always worked at night. She  19  leaving her mom alone, so she asked if it was okay if she equipped one of those baby monitors and  20  me a receiver.

        I was  21  to help. After all, I’ve been blind since I was a baby and out of work for years. In fact, at 54, I’d come to wonder if I had much   22  any more.

        Like me, Nan was   23  ―and was also hard of hearing. That evening Nan and I chatted for a while  24   .

        “If you’re okay,” I said, “I think I’ll go back.” Before I  25  , I made sure the baby monitor was working.

        “Good night, Nan,” I said. I   26  my stick and headed out of the door. “See you tomorrow,” Nan called behind me. I locked the door and  27  my way home.

        Several minutes   28  , I heard a sound. It was Nan on the    29  . “Jim! Jim!” I heard over the monitor. “The house is   30   ! Help!”

        I went as   31   as I could to Debbie’s. I got to the front door. I could   32   a heavy, thick smoke. I put my hand on the doorknob, and reached for my key and   33   the door. “Here, Jim. Help!” Her voice was weak.

        “Let’s get out of here!” I shouted. Grabbing her hand, I started to move on. I tapped with my stick   34   we found the front door. We felt our way down the steps,   35   in the sweet, fresh summer air, and to the gate of her yard. “Thank you, Lord. We’re all safe.”

        16. A. play                    B. study               C. game                 D. work

        17. A. checking                   B. taking                     C. putting                     D. keeping

        18. A. father                       B. mother                    C. sister                       D. brother

        19. A. thought about              B. worried about          C. cared for                 D. looked for

        20. A. sold                          B. bought                    C. brought                   D. gave

        21. A. sad                           B. sorrowful                C. glad                        D. upset

        22. A. value                        B. price                        C. money                     D. service

        23. A. deaf                         B. old                          C. wise                         D. blind

        24. A. long before                      B. before long              C. once again                      D. as usual

        25. A. left                           B. stayed                     C. talked                      D. chatted

        26. A. set up                       B. put up                     C. picked up                D. made up

        27. A. moved                             B. pushed                   C. pulled                     D. found

        28. A. instead                             B. later                        C. then                       D. ago

        29. A. neighbor                   B. receiver                   C. worker                            D. speaker

        30. A. on fire                             B. in trouble                C. in danger                 D. on sale

        31. A. fast                          B. slowly                      C. safely               D. well

        32. A. see                                   B. feel                         C. taste                        D. smell

        33. A. unlocked                   B. shut                        C. broke                             D. knocked

        34. A. before                             B. after                        C. until                        D. since

        35. A. showing                   B. noticing                   C. losing                      D. breathing




        Quality after-school programs are designed to improve academic performance, decrease youth crimes and other high-risk behaviors, and help young people grow into healthy, successful adults.

            The effect of quality after-school programs on academic performance is clear. Studies show that students who take part in such programs show better work habits, higher rates of homework completion, improved grades, and higher scores on achievement tests. They also have fewer absences and are less likely to blame. After-school programs also influence high-risk teen behavior. Various studies show decreased rates of crime, drug use, and teen sex among youth who join in well-run after-school programs when compared to similar youth who do not. Finally, after-school programs play an important role in supporting the following fields of development: physical development, mental development and social development. Thus, one can safely say that after-school programming is an effective method to help young people become contributing members of society.

        Although there is enough proof from both small and large assessments that after-school programs can make a positive difference, it is important to note that not all programs are equal. First, dosage(劑量)matters ―young people who attend the most hours over the most years benefit more than members who attend less often or over a shorter period of time. Next, after-school programs make a bigger difference for those students who need help most and have the fewest choices. Finally, program qualities matter. After-school programs work best when they create unique opportunities for youth. They should provide opportunities, skill building meaningful involvement, expression suggestion, service, and work. Staff characteristics make an important difference in the quality of a program. The adults should treat youth as partners, create safe and fair environment, encourage personalized involvement, and actively create learning opportunities. In short, although after-school programs have promising future, how they are designed and run matters.

        36. Quality after-school programs can not help the students ___________ .

               A. have fewer attendances    

               B. improve academic performance

               C. have high scores on tests  

               D. decrease high-risk teen behavior

        37. According to the passage, a good after-school program is usually determined by _______.

               a. its unique opportunities    

               b. safe and fair environments

               c. work staff characteristics  

               d. students’ willingness and family backgrounds

               A. a, b, c, d           B. a, b, c                      C. a, c, d                      D. b, c, d

        38. The main intention of the writer is to __________.

               A. present the problems with quality after-school programs

               B. warn school leaders of quality after-school programs

               C. compare quality after-school programs with bad ones

               D. give an introduction of quality after-school programs

        39. The attitude of the writer towards after-school programs is that of __________.

               A. caution             B. compromise              C. support                    D. disapproval

        6ec8aac122bd4f6e40. Which of the following structures suits the passage best?












        “If there is one thing I’m sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers. It is not that newspapers are a necessity. Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio. Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday. But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.

        The nature of what is news may change. What basically makes news is what affects our lives ― the big political stories, the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same. I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though. It’s already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives, like genetic engineering. In the future, I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do ― as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.

        It’s quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted (傳送)  electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home. In fact, I’m pretty sure that how it will happen in the future. You will probably be able to choose from a menu, making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read ― sports and international news, etc.

        I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media. They actually feed off each other. Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn’t happened. What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air. And as for the Internet, it’s never really pleasant to read something just on a screen. 

        41. What is the best title for the passage?

        A. The Best Way to Get News                    B. The Changes of Media

        C. Make Your Own Newspaper                  D. The Future of Newspaper

        42. In the writer’s opinion, in the future, _______. 

        A. more big political affairs, wars and disasters will make news

        B. newspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer

        C. newspapers will cover more scientific research

        D. more and more people will watch TV

        43. What will probably be on in the newspaper made by yourself?

        A. Sports and international news.               B. A menu of important news.

        C. The most important news.                     D. What you are interested in.

        44. From the passage, we can infer _______. 

        A. newspapers will win the competition among the different media

        B. newspapers will stay with us together with other media

        C. television will take the place of newspaper

        D. the writer believe some media will die out

        45. The phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph means _______. 

        A. depend on                                     B. compete with

        C. fight with                                      D. kill off



        History is full of cases where dreams have been a pathway to creativity and discovery. A striking example is provided by Dr. Otto Loewi,a pharmacologist and winner of a Nobel Prize. Loewi had spent years studying the chemical transmission of nerve impulses (脈搏). A tremendous breakthrough in his research came when he dreamed of an experiment three nights in a row. The first two nights he woke up and wrote down the experiment quickly and untidily on paper. But the next morning, he couldn’t tell what the notes meant. On the third night, he got up after having the dream. This time, instead of making notes he went straight to his laboratory and performed the important experiment. Loewi later said that if the experiment had occurred to him while awake he would have rejected it.

               Loewi’s experiment gives some insight into using dreams to produce creative solutions. Nervous feelings are reduced during dreaming, which may be especially useful in solving problems that require a fresh point of view.

               Being able to take advantage of dreams for solving is improved if you “set” yourself before retiring. Before you go to bed, try to think intently about a problem you wish to solve. Bury yourself in the problem by stating it clearly and reviewing all relevant information. Then use the suggestions listed in the previous section to catch your dreams. Although this method is not guaranteed to produce a novel solution or a new insight, it is certain to be an adventure. About half of a group of college students using the method for a week recalled a dream that helped them solve a personal problem.

        46. The main idea of this passage is that _________.

        A. very little is really known about the meaning of dreams

        B. it is possible to “catch” one’s dreams by planning before going to sleep

        C. dreams can be useful in producing creative solutions to one’s problems                     

        D. Loewi’s experiment helped in the study of transmission of nerve impulses

        47. The first paragraph is mainly organized by _________.

        A. classifying types of experiments

        B. summarizing the work of one researcher

        C. comparing and exploring historical cases

        D. telling in time order about one man’s research

        48. If Loewi had thought of the experiment while awake, he would have _________.

        A. asked someone else to do it                    B. thought it was a bad idea

        C. tried it out on his own                                  D. thought it was a wise idea

        49. The author probably thinks that _________.

        A. Loewi should not have conducted his experiment

        B. dreaming is of very little value to most people

        C. nervous feelings may stop someone thinking of useful ideas

        D. college students should not try out dream experiments

        50. The author seems to be in favor of __________ according to the passage.

        A. seeking creative solutions                           B. avoiding scientific experiments

        C. nervous feelings before dreams                      D. becoming a famous scientist



        The United States is already one year into a depression. That was the news this week from the National Bureau of Economic Research. The downturn is the longest since a depression that began in 1981 and lasted sixteen months.

               Economists generally wait for production to shrink for six months in a row before they declare a recession. But the bureau, a private group, uses a wider set of information to measure the economy. The news only confirmed what many people already knew: that the world's largest economy is weak and may not recover soon.

               Worsening conditions have led to a big drop in spending, especially on costly products like new cars. Even Japanese automaker Toyota saw its sales fall thirty-four percent in the United States in November from a year ago.

               The heads of Chrysler, Ford and General Motors returned to Congress this week to again ask for federal aid. Congressional leaders blamed them two weeks ago after they came in private jets with no clear plans for saving their industry. This time, the chiefs drove to Washington in fuel-saving vehicles. And their companies presented detailed restructuring plans. The request for aid has risen from twenty-five billion dollars two weeks ago to thirty-four billion in loans and credit lines.

               G.M. wants almost half of that, and says it needs four billion dollars this month. It warned that without support it cannot continue to operate. Ford is in a better position. But the sharing of suppliers means it could be affected if G.M. or Chrysler fails. Ford is asking for a nine billion dollar credit line in case it needs it. Chrysler is the smallest and most troubled of America’s Big Three. It says it needs a seven billion dollar loan by the end of the month.

               Two days of congressional hearings began on Thursday. The chairman, Democrat Chris Dodd, said he would support helping the automakers for the good of the economy. But the committee's top Republican, Richard Shelby, continued to express opposition to financial aid.

               A main root of the world financial crisis is the weak housing market in the United States. The Treasury Department has been under pressure to help troubled homeowners. Now comes news that the department is developing a plan aimed at reducing interest rates on mortgage loans(按揭貸款) for some buyers of homes. That could be good for homeowners trying to sell. That could be good for homeowners trying to sell.

        51. From the first two paragraphs, we know         .

               A. the United States is expected to recover soon

               B. the depression has lasted more than 16 months

               C. the depression is much more severe than expected

               D. the depression will last no more than 6 months

        52. Why were the automakers refused for federal aid two weeks ago?

               A. Because the government had no extra money to help.

               B. Because they had enough money to save their industry.

               C. Because they had wasted too much on costly new cars.

               D. Because they didn’t have a clear plan to save their industry.

        53. Which of the following is asking for the largest federal aid?

               A. Chrysler.    B. Toyota.      C. G.M.       D. Ford.

        54. What’s the attitude of Richard Shelby to the automakers’ request for federal aid?

               A. Supportive.       B. Opposed.     C. Optimistic.  D. Objective.

        55. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage?

               A. The hearings on Thursday agreed on a federal aid to the automakers.

               B. The main cause of the crisis is the weak housing market in the U.S..

               C. The government is taking measures to save t he housing market.

               D. The Treasury Department had to help the troubled homeowners.

        第II卷(非選擇題  共35分)

        注意事項: 1. 用鋼筆或簽字筆(黑色筆跡)直接答在試卷上。

                   2. 答卷前將密封線內的項目填寫清楚。

        第三部分: 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

        第一節(jié): 閱讀表達(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)



         Grasslands need time to recover when cattle and other animals graze on them. Moving animals from one grassland to another can provide the time needed for new growth. This is called rotational grazing.

        Experts say rotational grazing is good for both the land and animals, and it can save a lot of money. This form of grazing can reduce the need for pesticides by reducing the growth of weeds. It can also limit the need for chemical fertilizers by letting natural fertilizer, animal droppings, do the job. Rotational grazing can even help prevent wildfires by keeping grasslands in good condition.

        Rotational grazing is useful because letting animals feed continually in the same areas can require expensive replanting. Animals tend to eat the best plants first. When that keeps happening, the roots do not have enough time to recover. As a result, they are continuously replaced by worse plants.

        Experts say that while rotational grazing can save money over time, it also requires planning and that starts with a good map to mark fences, water supplies and grazing areas. Farmers can start rotational grazing by removing animals from a pasture when the grass is eaten to less than five centimeters. The pasture should then be kept empty until the grass grows to more than fifteen centimeters high.

        Experts also say that sheep and goats require special preparations. They may need stronger and higher fences compared with other animals. While they eat the grass, they may need to be protected from other animals that might attack them. In conclusion, if rotational grazing is done properly, it can help to protect the environment and allow farmers to profit at the same time. Why not give it a try?


        第三部分: 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

        第一節(jié): 閱讀表達(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)


        56. What do you think is the best title of this passage? (Within 5 words)




        57. How many advantages of rotational grazing are mentioned in this passage? What is the last advantage? (Within 20 words)








        58. Please explain the underlined word “profit” in English. (Within 5 words)




        59. What’s the writer’s purpose in writing this passage? (Within 20 words)






        60. What is the best time for the animals to return to their former pasture? (Within 15 words)























        注意:1.詞數:120詞左右;2.可適當加入細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3. 電子郵件的開頭已為你寫好(不計入總詞數)。

        Dear Tom,

           I am delighted to get your email and tell you something about the activity of reading a good book for the students in our school.













                                                                          Yours ever.

        第III卷(聽力部分  共30分)

        第四部分: 聽力部分(共兩節(jié),每小題1.5分,滿分30分)

        第一節(jié)(共5小 題;每小題1.5分,共7.5分)


        1. Where is Mark now?

          A. At school.                           B. At the office.                   C. At home.

        2. What is the woman going to do during the weekend?

          A. See a film.                          B. Make a plan.                    C. Prepare for a test.

        3. When will Tom come back?

          A. Today.                               B. Tomorrow.                      C. Next week.

        4. What instrument does Mary play?

          A. The violin.                          B. The piano.                       C. The drums.

        5. Why did the woman buy a heavy coat for Jimmy?

          A. Winter is coming soon.

          B. Jimmy will go into the mountains.

          C. Jimmy has caught a cold.

        第二節(jié)(共15小題; 每小題1.5分, 滿分22.5分)



        6. Which city has the woman visited recently?

          A. New York.                         B. London.                          C. Paris.

        7. What does the woman like about the city?

          A. City life.                                   B. Weather.                         C. Environment.

        8. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

          A. Husband and wife.               B. Boss and secretary.           C. Friends.


        9. Where does this conversation take place?

           A. At a restaurant.                  B. At a hotel.                       C. At a department store.

        10. What is the price of the red skirt?

        A. $65.00                                   B. $16.50                                   C. $56.50

        11. How much is the white skirt cheaper than the red one?

        A. $30.00                                   B. $34.50                                   C. $35.00


        12. How does the woman think about her work?

        A. It is very good.

        B. It is hard to say now.

        C. It keeps her very busy.

        13. Where does the woman live now?

        A. In her workplace.

        B. In the city center.

        C. In a big apartment.

        14. What are the two speakers talking about?

        A. The woman’s life in a new city.

        B. The woman’s travel experience.

        C. The woman’s co ? workers.


        15. What is the main topic of the conversation?

        A. How to select a good umbrella.

        B. How to treat minor aches and pains.

        C. How to predict the weather.

        16. What does the woman say about how a distant object looks to her before a storm?

        A. They look darker.            B. They look smaller.           C. They look clearer.

        17. What does the man say seems to happen to his sense of smell?

        A. It stops working.

        B. It becomes sharper.

        C. It confuses unpleasant smells.


        18. Why did the teacher do such an experiment?

        A. Because he thought monkey was fun.

        B. Because he wanted to find out the most clever animal.

        C. Because he had few classes every day.

        19. What did the teacher see through the keyhole?

        A. The monkey didn’t know what to do.

        B. The monkey got the food quickly.

        C. The monkey looked through the keyhole, too.

        20. What can we learn from the passage?

        A. The teacher only had experiment on monkey.

        B. The teacher did more than one experiment.

        C. The monkey found the food and enjoyed it.
















