
In 1908 Lord Henry _1._ (offer) a prize of £ 1,000 to the first man who would fly _2._ the English Channel. Over a year passed 3._ the first attempt was made. On July _4._ (nine), in the early morning, Hubert took off from the French coast _5._ his plane Antonio IV . Had traveled only seven miles across the Channel when his engine failed _6. he was forced to land on the sea. The Antonio floated on the water _7._ Hubert _8._ (pick up )by a ship. _9. he was rescued, he failed to receive the prize, _10. reduced him to great embarrassment .


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學(xué)年安徽省江淮名校高三第二次聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項(xiàng)填空

—Why do you look so upset, Linda?

—There are so many troublesome problems____.

A.remaining settled

B.remaining to be settled

C.remained to settle

D.remained to be settled


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學(xué)年重慶市高三9月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項(xiàng)填空

Millions of people around the world suffer from a painful addiction to biting their nails, which can be harder than smoking cigarettes.

A.to be quitted B.to quit

C.to have quitted D.to quitting


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學(xué)年重慶巴蜀中學(xué)高三上學(xué)期第一次模擬考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完形填空


On my way to work every day, I drive down a street lined with pine trees. One tree in particular my attention. It must have suffered some . Part of its trunk grew nearly parallel to the ground, and then in an effort to its own course of life, the trunk took a 90 degree turn to stand tall and stretch toward the sun.

Each day as I drove by, I saw this bent but determined tree and I would be . It was a reminder to me that I may not have had the best start in life, I could change in the parts of my life at any time.

I was planning to stop one day to get a perfect of my kindred-spirit (志趣相同的) tree. But that week I was busy. After that week, I still didn’t take any action. Every time I drove by the tree I would myself, “Tomorrow, I’ll stop tomorrow to take one.” Then one day, as I drove by “my” tree, I glanced over, and much to my , I found a sawed-off stump (樹樁) where that tree had stood. I had my plan until “tomorrow” and tomorrow proved to be too .

What have you been putting off? What would you do today if you knew you would have the opportunity to do it again? Why not do those things that you have been putting off until tomorrow?

1.A. caught B. paid C. fixed D. escaped

2.A. experience B. influence C. defeat D. damage

3.A. change B. design C. follow D. imagine

4.A. applying B. attempting C. learning D. happening

5.A. satisfied B. interested C. encouraged D. educated

6.A. even though B. as if C. in case D. if only

7.A. habit B. direction C. plan D. purpose

8.A. review B. picture C. glance D. knowledge

9.A. call B. help C. tell D. warn

10.A. regret B. pleasure C. happiness D. surprise

11.A. cut off B. taken off C. put off D. called off

12.A. sad B. far C. good D. late

13.A. never B. ever C. surely D. almost


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學(xué)年遼寧省沈陽市高三10月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完形填空

A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large, tempting apple on one of the branches of an apple tree hanging out over a tall fence. The boy wasn’t much of a fruit-eater, ___ a bar of chocolate if given the choice, ____ , as they say, the forbidden fruit can be tempting. Seeing the apple, the boy wanted it. The more he looked at it, the ____ he felt and the more he wanted that apple.

He stood on tiptoe, ___ as high as he could, but even at his tallest ___ he was unable to touch It. He began to ____ up and down, as high as he could, at the ___ of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple. Still it remained out of ____.

Not giving up, he thought , if only he had something to ____ on . His school bag wouldn’t give enough height and he didn’t want to ____the things inside, like his lunch box, pencil case, and Game boy. Looking ____ he hoped he might find an old box, a rock, or, ____ luck, even a ladder, but it was a tidy neighborhood and there was nothing he could use.

He had tried everything he could think to do. ____ seeing any other choices, he gave up and started to walk ___ . At first he felt angry and disappointed thinking about how hungry he had become from his ____, and how he really wanted that apple. The more he ____ like this, the more unhappy he became.

____, the boy of our story was a pretty smart guy, even if he couldn’t always get what he wanted .He started to say to himself. This isn’t ____, I don’t have the apple and I’m feeling miserable as well. There’s ____ more I can do to get the apple. That is unchangeable, but we are supposed to be able to ____ our feelings. If that’s the case, what can I do to feel better?

1.A. preferring B. offering C. receiving D. allowing

2.A. so B. then C. but D. or

3.A. sadder B. angrier C . hungrier D. tastier

4.A. expanding B. stretching C. swinging D. pulling

5.A. strength B. length C. range D. height

6.A. jump B. look C. walk D. glance

7.A. tip B. stage C. top D. level

8.A. hope B. hand C. sight D. reach

9.A. put B. stand C. get D. hold

10.A. break B. shake C. take D. strike

11.A. up B. forward C. down D. around

12.A. for B. with C. .on D. of

13.A. After B. Through C. Without D. Upon

14.A. back B. away C. up D. down

15.A. wishes B. beliefs C. efforts D. goals

16.A. thought B. imagined C. tried D. claimed

17.A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Otherwise

18.A. skilful B. cheerful C. harmful D. helpful

19.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

20.A. change B. express C. forget D. remember


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學(xué)年湖北棗陽第一中學(xué)高三10月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

We all know that the cost of heating our homes will continue to be a significant burden on the family budget. Now millions of people are saving on their heating bills with the EP Portable Heater. With over one million satisfied customers around the world, the new EP heats better and faster, saves more on heating bills, and runs almost silent.

The EP has no exposed heating parts that can cause a fire. The outside of EP only gets warm to the touch so that it will not burn children or pets.

The EP will not reduce oxygen in the room. With other heaters, you’ll notice that you get sleepy when the heat comes on because they are burning up oxygen.

The advanced EP also heats the room evenly, wall to wall and floor to ceiling. it comfortably covers an area up to 350 square feet. Other heaters heat rooms unevenly with most of the heat concentrated to the center of the room. And they only heat an area a few feet around the heater. With the EP, the temperature will not vary in any part of the room.

The EP comes with a 3-year warranty(保修) and a 60-day, no questions asked, satisfaction guarantee. If you are not totally satisfied, return it to our expense and your money will be given back to you.

Now, we have a special offer for 10 days, during which you can enjoy a half price discount and a free delivery. If you order after that, we reserve the right to either accept or reject order requests at the discounted price.

Take action right now!

1.What is mainly discussed in paragraph 2?

A. the heat of the EP B. the safety of the EP

C. the appearance of the EP D. the material of the EP

2.From the passage, we can learn that the EP .

A. doesn’t burn up oxygen

B. runs without any noise

C. makes people get sleepy

D. is unsuitable for children and pets

3.The underlined word “evenly” in paragraph 4 probably means .

A. continuously B. separately C. quickly D. equally

4.The main purpose of the passage is to .

A. persuade people to buy the product

B. advise people to save on heating bills

C. report the new development of portable heaters

D. compare the functions of different heater brands


科目:高中英語 來源:2015-2016學(xué)年湖南兩校高二上學(xué)期期中聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:語法填空


A big fire broke out in a clothing factory in our city last Wednesday. At 9:18 that morning, when the employees were working 1. (busy) in the 4-storeyed building, heavy smoke was seen 2. (come) out of the windows on the second floor. The fire lasted nearly an hour, and the majority of the 345 employees managed 3. (escape) from the fire. Unfortunately, 7were killed, and 23 injured, lightly or seriously.

Some workers 4. (complain) that aids came too late, 5. the firemen did come just 10 minutes after the fire was reported. To rescue everyone from the burning and smoking building in such a short time was too difficult. The only two exits of the big building were not enough for so many people to withdraw in 6. hurry.

The reason of the fire, according to an investigator, was 7. someone broke the non-smoking rule in the factory, because some cigarette 8. (end) were found. Next two weeks, 15 inspection teams will be working in all the factories 9. turn, aiming to clear away the possibility of more fires. 10. (hope), no disasters like this will happen again.


科目:高中英語 來源:2016屆湖南益陽箴言中學(xué)高三上學(xué)期第三次模擬考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:書面表達(dá)


Dear Li Hua,

Surprise! I enrolled in a camp organized by Chinese Bridge in August and will spend about a week in Changsha. So, we can finally see each other. Learning the Chinese language and visiting some places of interest like Shaoshan Mountain will be part of the camp. I just can’t wait to see you.



科目:高中英語 來源:2015屆湖南省高二上學(xué)期期末考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項(xiàng)填空

If there be a global nuclear war, life on the earth as we know it____ end forever.

A . will; will B. should; would

C. were to; will D. is to; would

