1. 搖滾樂隊                      2. 打中國功夫                  
3. 打籃球                          4. 看電視                 
5. 你想去看電影嗎?是的,我想。
6. 她想去看喜劇片嗎?不,她不想。
7. 你喜歡哪種影片?我喜歡動作片和記錄片。
8. Bob喜歡卡通片嗎?不,他喜歡喜劇片。
9. 我不覺得京劇無聊。
10. 在周末,我經(jīng)常和我的朋友一起去看電影。
11. 你會干什么?你會跳舞嗎?
12. 你想加入什么俱樂部?
13. 你為什么想加入游泳俱樂部?
14. 我想學習音樂。

1. 搖滾樂隊 rock band 2. 打中國功夫 do Chinese Kungfu
3. 打籃球 play basketball 4. 看電視 watch TV
5. 你想去看電影嗎?是的,我想。
    Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do.
6. 她想去看喜劇片嗎?不,她不想. 
    Does she want to see a comedy? No, she doesn't.
7. 你喜歡哪種影片?我喜歡動作片和記錄片。
    What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and documentaries.
8. Bob喜歡卡通片嗎?不,他喜歡喜劇片。
    Does Bob like cartoons? No, he likes comedies.
9. 我不覺得京劇無聊。
    I don't think Beijing Opera is boring.
10. 在周末,我經(jīng)常和我的朋友一起去看電影。
     I often go to a movie with my friends on weekends.
11. 你會干什么?你會跳舞嗎?
      What can you do? Can you dance?
12. 你想加入什么俱樂部?
      What club do you want to join?
13. 你為什么想加入游泳俱樂部?
      Why do you want to join the swimming club?
14. 我想學習音樂。
      I want to learn about music.


科目:初中英語 來源:期末題 題型:閱讀理解

        Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is commonly known as the Red Planets. The rocks, soil and sky
of it are a little red or pink. Its name was given by the Romans in honor of their god of war.
        People on the earth need oxygen to breathe. There is almost no oxygen on Mars. Living on Mars would be
like living on a very high mountain. There would be little air. It might be 50 degrees above zero at noon and 100
degrees below zero at night. We know that Mars has carbon. Through a telescope, Mars looks red. In some
places, it seems gray. At times the gray turns gray-green, then brown, then gray again. The gray-green may be
a kind of plant color which changes with the seasons.
        Life is expected on Mars by scientists, because there are distinct seasons on the planet's surface. This
condition might support plants. However, some researches find if Mars had life, it must have been a long time
ago. For Mars' first 600 millions years, it had plenty of water and proper temperatures for life. But now the
planet's environment has changed. Mars is not a pleasant place for any form of life.
1. 根據(jù)解釋,在短文中找出相應的單詞或短語。
    ______: famous        ______: sometimes
2. Its name was given by the Romans in honor of their god of war.
(改為主動語態(tài)的句子) __________________________________________________________________
3. Why is life expected on Mars by scientists?
(回答問題) __________________________________________________________________
4. There is almost no oxygen on Mars.
(改為反意疑問句) There is almost no oxygen on Mars, _____ _____?
5. But now the planet's environment has changed. Mars is not a pleasant place for any form of life.
(翻譯成漢語) __________________________________________________________________


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year.(1)You may ________ in the exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.If you are taking an English exam,do not only learn rules of grammar.Try to read stories in English.(2)Speak in English whenever you can.A few days before the exam you should go to bed early.Don’t stay up studying.Before you start the exam,read carefully over the question paper,try to understand the exact(確切的)meaning of each question.When you have at least finished your exam,read over your answers.Correct the mistakes if there are any,and be sure that you have not missed anything out.




3.What should you do a few days before the exam?



   If you find anything wrong,try to correct it.




