
Mike: Hello! Can I   1   to Jack, please??

Jack: Yes,   2   is Jack speaking. Oh, is that Mike?

Mike: Yes, this is Mike. Hi, Jack! I   3   two tickets for a football match.   4   you like to go with me?

Jack:   5  , I can’t hear you.   6   you turn your TV   7   a little? It’s too loud.?

Mike: Would you like to watch a football match with me?

Jack: I’d   8   to.   9   will the football match start??

Mike: At three in the afternoon. Shall we   10   at the bus stop at half past two?

Jack: OK. See you then.?

Mike: See you.?











  like/ love




 打電話用語,speak to sb

 接電話應說this is...,不能說I’m...


 would you like to do sth 想要干某事

 根據(jù)答語I can’t hear you。Sorry抱歉

 根據(jù)下文提示It’s too loud.說明太吵了,你能把電視機關(guān)小點嗎??   

 turn... down把聲音調(diào)低        

 對提出的建議做出肯定回答時,用I’d love/like to

 根據(jù)答語At three in the afternoon上文問的是時間。        

 meet at+地點表示在...集合.


