A: What about some orange(桔子汁)?
B: Dad, I'm hungry. I want something to eat.
C: Thank you. Could I have something to drink?
D: OK. Here you are.
E: Yes, there is some. Take it.
F: No. I don't like eggs at all.
G: What about some rice?
H: OK. Can I have two bottles of orange? I can give one to Bob. He likes it very much.
I: What do you like? Do you like some eggs?
J: I like it a little. But do you have any chicken?
I like chicken very much.

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2015屆四川省實(shí)驗(yàn)學(xué)校八年級(jí)2月入學(xué)考試英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題

閱讀排序。閱讀下列各句,根據(jù)首句提示,請(qǐng)將選項(xiàng)A-J按其內(nèi)容重新排列順序,使其構(gòu)成意思完整正確、邏輯順序合理的語(yǔ)篇。(共10 小題,每小題0.5, 計(jì)5分)

A monkey named Monty lived on an island() with his friends. A flood was coming. Every monkey decided to build a house on the highest part of the island.

A. But Monty didn't care because his house needed very big stones.

B. When Monty finished his house, he invited all the monkeys to have a party at his new home.

C. All the monkeys built their houses quickly, and then they spent time playing.

D. On the day of the party, the flood came! All the monkeys were scared.

E. The big flood destroyed(摧毀) all the other houses except Monty’ s.

F. They all laughed at Monty because he built his house very slowly.

G. So he went on building his house stone by stone.

H. Monty shouted, "I have prepared for this flood. This house would keep us safe."

I. He believed that his house could keep any flood away.

J. It took him a long time to build the stone house.

Then the monkeys understood that Monty was very clever and kind-hearted, for he wanted to save them without expecting anything in return.



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:期末題 題型:排序題

A. Fine, thank you. What about you?
B. No, she's short.
C. I'm fine, too. Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five?
D. I think I know her. She always wears a red dress and white shoes.
E. Hi, Lucy.
F. Is she tall?
G. She has long, black hair and big eyes.
H. Yes, that's her. Her name is Nancy.
I. Hi, Kate. How are you?
J. What does she look like?

